Black Friday

From: ANT_THOMAS28 Nov 2014 10:17
To: ALL1 of 29
It's an American thing. It shouldn't be over here in the UK.

It's just big shops getting rid of old stock.

Kos is right on FB, I hope the retailers get billed for the cost of the police.

But most of all, it gives me bargain envy :((

From: koswix28 Nov 2014 10:28
To: ANT_THOMAS 2 of 29
>>But most of all, it gives me bargain envy 

so true (fail)

From: ANT_THOMAS28 Nov 2014 12:55
To: ALL3 of 29
Is this what it's about in the US?

No background checks before 8AM, I wonder what could go wrong (fail)

From: Chris (CHRISSS)28 Nov 2014 13:18
To: ANT_THOMAS 4 of 29
I'll take 2. Can I have it delivered? Andis it still before 8am where that's being sold?
From: koswix28 Nov 2014 13:59
To: ANT_THOMAS 5 of 29
Haha, is that for real?
From: ANT_THOMAS28 Nov 2014 14:02
To: koswix 6 of 29
Not sure. It's doing the rounds on twitter.
From: milko28 Nov 2014 14:34
To: ANT_THOMAS 7 of 29
Surely it just means that you won't be able to walk away with it before 8am as they won't be able to check. Right?
From: ANT_THOMAS28 Nov 2014 14:41
To: milko 8 of 29
Stop being so sensible!
From: milko28 Nov 2014 14:53
To: ANT_THOMAS 9 of 29
Up yours! Meanwhile in twittertheft, I see that images from the Pets at Home black Friday sale are showing our furry friends get in a consumer frenzy too.

Actually wasn't Our American Chum Ken a big fan of the Black Friday shopping frenzy, all motel roomed up and everything? I'm guessing that's not an option with the current invalid state.
From: ANT_THOMAS28 Nov 2014 14:57
To: milko 10 of 29
They're acting like complete animals.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)28 Nov 2014 15:13
To: ANT_THOMAS 11 of 29
They fish with assault rifles?
From: Chris (CHRISSS)28 Nov 2014 19:45
To: milko 12 of 29
I seem to remember he hated his night away for crazy black Friday shopping.
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)28 Nov 2014 20:00
Some people are just stupid that way. Some will even use dynamite.  8-O

I prefer the old fashioned rod and reel method, leading to the demise of an unfortunate worm.  ;-)
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)28 Nov 2014 20:04
To: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 14 of 29
I've heard of cyanide being used to catch tropical fish. Many are killed outright, of course. The ones that aren't can be sold.
From: milko28 Nov 2014 21:44
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 15 of 29
I think he had some twisted enjoyment of it when pressed. The sicko!
From: JonCooper29 Nov 2014 15:50
To: ALL16 of 29
I saw someone online suggesting that the TV he saw in Curry's advertised as "£299, down from £499" was actually £300 about a month ago - ie; no reduction at all in reality. 
From: Chris (CHRISSS)29 Nov 2014 16:19
To: JonCooper 17 of 29
I had a quick look at the laser printers last night. One of the HP multi function lasers on a black Friday offer was still more expensive than the standard price it was selling for on Amazon.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Nov 2014 16:20
To: JonCooper 18 of 29
Yeeeah, and...?

You don't think they're actually going to discount stuff, do you?

It's just an opportunity to publicise price drops on old stock that have/were going to happen anyway, taking money from the current round of stupid people and making space for the stock to rip off the next round of stupids.

From: JonCooper29 Nov 2014 22:27
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 19 of 29
nope, not really, that's why I didn't bother with any of it

there was fighting in our local Tesco just after midnight on Friday morning

I can't think of anything Tesco sells that I would fight for
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)29 Nov 2014 22:34
To: JonCooper 20 of 29
Yeah, I'm glad I did my shopping on Thursday, but likewise - there's not much I'd take even if they were giving it away.