Audio System

From: JonCooper 2 Oct 2014 09:04
To: ANT_THOMAS 8 of 48
I mean a PIR will turn a light on suddenly right where she is, and that can (often) trigger a siezure
From: ANT_THOMAS 2 Oct 2014 09:09
To: JonCooper 9 of 48
Ah right, I get it now.

Is she better with "soft-start" dimmed lights which go from 0%-100% gradually? Rather than instant on?
From: JonCooper 2 Oct 2014 09:24
To: ANT_THOMAS 10 of 48
yes, but I didn't know they existed until yesterday - going to look into changing quite a few of ours
From: ANT_THOMAS 2 Oct 2014 09:29
To: JonCooper 11 of 48
You might find a lot of dimmer switches don't work with energy saving bulbs if you use them.

Incandescents and halogens generally work fine. Or you can buy special dimmable LED or CFLs but they start costing quite a lot - but may be worth it in your case.
From: JonCooper 2 Oct 2014 10:03
To: ANT_THOMAS 12 of 48
we were in the hospital yesterday and found a lot of lights that came on quite dim but brightened to full power reasonably quickly (not like energy bulbs that take forever to 'warm up')

I'm going to find out more about them and change a few of ours, see how she gets on with those 

currently we have the kids and most people we know trained to tell her before turning on any lights, so she can look away, some lights are never off
From: koswix 2 Oct 2014 13:06
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 13 of 48
I've already got this setup, and additionally it can play separate music for different people. Can even have two or more people in one location, each with their own zoned music that doesn't interfere with others in the room.

It's an off the shelf system based around these badboys:
From: fixrman 2 Oct 2014 13:54
To: JonCooper 14 of 48
Quite agreed. I have to say that some of the best medications for it come from the U.K. for which we have been thankful. It is very under-studied and under researched despite being possibly the oldest of afflictions known to man.

It is tough for kids who have E because they are often ostracised by their friends and makes being a kid difficult. Ours had as many as 13 throughout the night starting from just days before being 12 and possibly four through the day. Medically managed, they occur only at night, and medical control had been good up until late August.

Did she ever try a ketogenic diet? There has been a lot of success with that and we were going to do it when she was about 13 or 14 but she was controlled at the time and we were afraid to mess with success, Unfortunately, they tried weaning and breakthroughs brought us back to medications once again.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 2 Oct 2014 15:07
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 15 of 48
Hire a minstrel/bard?
From: koswix 2 Oct 2014 15:17
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 16 of 48
Do they still make these? I used to think that's what people meant when they talked about black & white minstrels (I WAS LITTLE, LEAVE ME ALONE!) :$ :$ :$
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 2 Oct 2014 15:34
To: koswix 17 of 48
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 2 Oct 2014 17:26
To: koswix 18 of 48
That's not what I'm looking for!  I'm sick of carrying my phone or tablet around with me.  I have a bluetooth headset and I'm even finding that a pain in the ass.

I've found a solution that will take care of the zoning and pushing music over the network to each Pi.  Now I just need to think about how I can achieve making it follow me around.  Like John, I'd like to predict where I'm going to be based on where I am and the direction I'm moving.  There are motion and distance modules for Arduino and I'd imagine a combination of the two would do what I want.  I would image they could be made to work on a Pi.  Thoughts?
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 2 Oct 2014 17:27
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 19 of 48
Are you for hire?
From: patch 2 Oct 2014 17:37
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 20 of 48
Actually, that might work. Set him up in your basement with a control box (and extra venting for the cigarette smoke) and then just make sure everyone is the house walks in a loud and distinctive way. 
From: ANT_THOMAS 2 Oct 2014 17:58
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 21 of 48
Far far too complex.

How about a button on the Pi to activate that room?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 2 Oct 2014 18:29
To: patch 22 of 48
I'm up for that.
From: fixrman 2 Oct 2014 19:46
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 23 of 48
I think you need a girlfriend or a better source for porn. You sir, are bored.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 2 Oct 2014 23:26
To: ANT_THOMAS 24 of 48
It is complex, but if I can get that working I could also do some other cool things. The likes of which I can't think of right now.  A button would work, but I'd just like it to do it without having to do anything.  I'm tired of bluetooth connecting, pausing and unpausing and missing parts of a book or podcast because I went out of the room and forgot to pause it.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 2 Oct 2014 23:26
To: fixrman 25 of 48
Nah, I'd just like a system that works like I described.  And I also want to learn some more programming!
From: koswix 2 Oct 2014 23:42
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 26 of 48
What about a kinnect in every room. Could track exactly where you are and you could train it to recognise routes to work out where you're going.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 2 Oct 2014 23:43
To: koswix 27 of 48
True, or a cheap webcam.  There are a lot of ways to do it I suspect.  Just want to find a cheap easy way!