
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Sep 2014 14:08
To: ALL1 of 10
I've currently got a web based remote for doing various home automation things.

Turning lights on/off, checking temperatures, turning heating on/off etc. It works great but looks shit, really really shit.

My design skills are lacking at the best of times.

Please can someone with at least a modicum of design skill mock something up?

It is mainly used on my phone.
EDITED: 16 Sep 2014 14:11 by ANT_THOMAS
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)16 Sep 2014 14:15
To: ANT_THOMAS 2 of 10
From: Manthorp16 Sep 2014 14:50
To: ANT_THOMAS 3 of 10
As soon as I saw the interface I reached for my mouse to book an aisle seat.
From: koswix16 Sep 2014 16:20
To: Manthorp 4 of 10
I wanted to engage the microwave jammer.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)16 Sep 2014 17:41
To: koswix 5 of 10
I freaking loved that show.  You'd think we'd have cars like that by now!
From: koswix16 Sep 2014 18:50
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 6 of 10
What do you think that Google project is all about?
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)16 Sep 2014 20:14
To: koswix 7 of 10
True, but I can't buy one right now!
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)17 Sep 2014 02:16
To: ANT_THOMAS 8 of 10
Copy from here.

I love flatui stuff. And it's super-easy to do.
From: ANT_THOMAS17 Sep 2014 07:45
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 9 of 10
From: af (CAER)17 Sep 2014 10:31
To: ANT_THOMAS 10 of 10
What Drew said. And really, there's not that much wrong with what you have, just tone down the colours a bit, and maybe make the white buttons light grey and get rid of the borders.