Really? So all those MPs from outside London and the SE flagrantly give up on representing their constituents as soon as they enter the hallowed portals of Westminster? Rotten scoundrels, the lot of them! :@
So are the English stupid for fighting those wars, or is it just the war that is stupid, as in nonsensical? What about France and Spain? Is stupid (nonsensical) only objectionable when paired with women, or can it be used in the same vein either way? Just curious. I recall watching Are You Being Served? years ago and Captain Peacock said to Mrs. Peacock, "I did it for you, you stupid cow!" Mrs. Peacock was not offended, nor was anyone else.
Anyway, cousin thought that the vote would be close but that the independence vote would not pass. We don't get much on that I am afraid, so I was looking here to see what the feeling might be, He gave me some interesting history on Scotland which I would have had no way of knowing. We wouldn't get that kind of history here except in specialised courses of study. I found it remarkable that as young as sixteen will be eligible to vote.
It is an interesting process I plan to follow more over the next day. I am wondering what will happen if Yes Scotland does not prevail; are the natives truly restless? Will it result in any backlash? Hopefully there will be no actions such as the irrational behaviour that followed the shooting in Ferguson, MO., but of course theirs is a political process.
Is there enough support for an independent Scotland? The ramifications are certainly many.
What happened in Ferguson, MO was an emotional reaction and incredibly irrational at that. That's what happens when people are reactive in a situation. I am not talking about the shooting itself. I'll have to reserve judgement on that until I know the full story on what happened. Apparently there is a newer video that may show better Brown's actions with the police officer.
If the shooting was based upon departmental policy specifically profiling blacks (would the officer have told white kids to get on the sidewalk?) then it starts as a political issue. There is a strong possibility that this is the case. I suppose we could reduce everything to a political issue if we really wanted to, but emotion tends to be an overriding factor in many cases and can fuel political decisions. Another difference between liberals and conservatives actually - liberals tend to be more emotionally driven here whereas consertives tend to be more logical. Rush Limbaugh and other media pundits are not the best examples of conservatives, rather extremists. He is a bloviating buffoon in many cases.
I am actually appalled on Citizenship Day in America that this story of Scottish independence is relegated to the back pages of the news. I would think in a country that in 2011 designated April 6th as Tartan Day we would make a bigger news item of it, particularly since our own Declaration of Independence was based in part upon the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320. But America does tend to be self-absorbed. I can't ever recall being taught anything about Scotland in regards to our Declaration whilst in school; sad.
There's a lot most Americans don't know about the Scots. Contributions by Watt, Fleming, Baird, and Bell quite dramatically influenced America. I also never heard this from Churchill: