The natives are getting restless

From: fixrman22 Sep 2014 13:59
To: graphitone 169 of 189
Chamomile might help with the cramps. But one has to like chamomile.
From: fixrman22 Sep 2014 14:03
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 170 of 189
I am faggot.

Maybe only half a faggot, katsungII.

Some people get wired by caffeine or have a reaction to it. Bad coffee is usually what puts them off, and as a coffee aficionado, I relegate Starbucks to the crap coffee category. I don't like coffee that tastes burnt.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)22 Sep 2014 15:18
To: fixrman 171 of 189
I've recently taken to drinking chamomile as I was told it helps people sleep (and is claimed to have the additional benefit of reducing the frequency of migraines).

I wasn't prepared for how potent it is, though. It proper knocks me out. Good shit.

The taste takes a bit of getting used to, starts off as a mixture of grass and flowers. Now I'm accustomed to it I just taste the flowers and rather like it.
From: graphitone22 Sep 2014 15:53
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) fixrman 172 of 189
Thanks for the advice. I've had chamomile in the past, but found it tasted odd - like Xen said, a bit like grass or even too 'natural', like raw liquorice is. I went for the one with with vanilla in it and found that nice n'palatable.

People over there make tea in a microwave? (fail)

Here's some tips for your indigenous friends:

Tea is made in a pot. 3 bags, please.

Milk in first, then the tea.

Dunking is allowed, but not in restaurants.

You don't boil pizza.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)22 Sep 2014 16:26
To: graphitone 173 of 189
>People over there make tea in a microwave? 

They don't have kettles :|
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Sep 2014 16:31
To: graphitone 174 of 189
I have a "tea for one" set that I'd like to bring to work but the faff of having to get milk for each cup has stopped me.
From: graphitone22 Sep 2014 16:39
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 175 of 189

I see a gap in the American market.
From: graphitone22 Sep 2014 16:42
To: ANT_THOMAS 176 of 189
In that case you also need a "fridge for one".

From: ANT_THOMAS22 Sep 2014 16:43
To: graphitone 177 of 189
<Googles USB fridge>
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Sep 2014 16:45
To: ANT_THOMAS 178 of 189
Ha, of course they exist.
From: milko22 Sep 2014 18:23
To: ALL179 of 189
The lack of kettles overseas was mindblowing to me when I first heard of it. I was incredulous! And so on. 

As for coffee, instant coffee is of course an entirely different drink. One I do not like the taste of one bit. Bleurgh. A well-made coffee from freshly roasted/ground beans, now that's a good drink.

At work we have Nespresso and we have Yorkshire Tea. Things could on the whole be very much worse.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)22 Sep 2014 19:42
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 180 of 189
Worse than that Andrew, they have coffee machines that will also make tea...lukewarm tea that tastes of coffee. The heathens.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)22 Sep 2014 20:04
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 181 of 189
From: graphitone22 Sep 2014 20:20
To: ANT_THOMAS 182 of 189
From: koswix22 Sep 2014 21:09
To: ALL183 of 189
Instant coffee is fine. No, really. So's Starbucks.

And Cadbury's dairy milk is also nice chocolate.
From: fixrman23 Sep 2014 02:26
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 184 of 189
It is a bit of an aquired taste. I never noticed any sleepiness, but perhaps the two teabags I put with the one chamomile counteracts that? Hmm. Don't know.

I've noticed a half teaspoon of honey takes that offish taste away, leaving it more floral, but I can drink it without.

I am thinking about maybe changing my morning coffee for tea now, so thanks for that, lads. I miss a good cuppa, been too long.
From: fixrman23 Sep 2014 02:35
To: graphitone 185 of 189
People over there make tea in a microwave?
Don't get me started. Yes, they do sometimes. They'll even stick the bag in a cup with water and heat it up that way so it "steeps and heats" at the same time. That ain't tea, it is just tannic acid.  :-S

They also drink Cab Sauv cold (some) ales chilled to 34 degrees and don't know how many ounces are in a proper pint.
Tea is made in a pot. 3 bags, please. Milk in first, then the tea.
Very good, sir.
Dunking is allowed, but not in restaurants.
Go ahead then - no one's about.
You don't boil pizza.
But they are lovely ia a wood-fired oven.

From: fixrman23 Sep 2014 02:37
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 186 of 189
Some of 'em don't have kettles, but I grew up with kettles, teapots and tea cozies.

If there is no kettle there is no tea for me. What is a house (or flat) without a tea kettle, I ask you?
From: fixrman23 Sep 2014 02:40
To: koswix 187 of 189
I'll skip the instant coffee and Starbuck's if you don't mind but I would like a chocolate.

Of course that reminds me of that knobbly bar I had in Stratford...  (yum)
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)23 Sep 2014 08:49
To: fixrman 188 of 189
Well said, sir.