The natives are getting restless

From: fixrman21 Sep 2014 19:17
To: JonCooper 148 of 189
They did vote to stay, and I see that as a Good Thing &#0153 all around. Still, a significant number of people voted for secession which should possibly effect changes even though cousing in Ireland brought me up to speed on how much Scotland already gets. I think their beef (SNP) is more principled, however.
From: fixrman21 Sep 2014 19:21
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 149 of 189
Bah! That can't be known until later. Sounds like a sore loser to me. If they's run a more successful campaign they would have won, I'll bet. Government ready to step in, monetary policy, solution for all those nuke subs they wanted to be rid of, military contingencies, those sorts of things.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)21 Sep 2014 21:02
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 150 of 189
I liked Russia's take on it.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)21 Sep 2014 21:03
To: fixrman 151 of 189
Well, if it's good tea I should use the teabag first. If it's shit tea (e.g. PG Tips, Tetley, or Yorkshire) I'd be willing to step up to a box of unused (and unusable) bags.

There are limits to my revolutionary zeal, after all.
EDITED: 21 Sep 2014 21:08 by MR_BASTARD
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)21 Sep 2014 21:04
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 152 of 189
I wasn't aware that Russia had the time to give a shit.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)21 Sep 2014 22:59
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 153 of 189
Oh yes.
From: fixrman22 Sep 2014 02:12
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 154 of 189
I propose an exhaustive taste test first. You shall be Supreme Taster(being so close to Scotland and all), I shall be a Lowly Assistant. We must find The Most Inexpensive Tea Suitable for Discard. Fine cheeses, crackers, tarts and what have you should be employed as requisite to properly cleanse the palate. Fine English ales would also be appropriate lest our results be skewed by false taste impressions; we do not want to get this wrong, for a country's future lands in the balance.

I will leave it to you to decide when we should have completed the research. I feel not qualified in the least. If you should deign to ask my opinion, I would like to defer to your Superior experience in tha matter only of course to ensure a fair and impartial assessment. If we disagree, I suggest (most humbly) that any and all of those Members(Teh Forum) what are Necessary to Determine a Suitable Tea are asked to Break the Impasse. The queen Mum will of course provide financial recompense for these libations and fortificaions.

A humble proposal from One Who Drinks Tea infrequently at Present, but Who Could be Swayed to Drink More in the Future in the Name of Pure Research. Naturally, this should occur in England, city of your choosing.
EDITED: 22 Sep 2014 03:45 by FIXRMAN
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)22 Sep 2014 07:35
To: fixrman 155 of 189
It's a great idea, but I think that relying on Teh as arbiter of taste might be a weak point. Most of the proles here drink what can best be described as floor sweepings. They add milk and sugar to make it bearable. Xen probably drinks NAAFI tea or, worse, Tetleys. Graphitone, coming from the People's Republic of Yorkshire, likely drinks Yorkshire Tea. These are the sorts of teas that can only be improved by dumping them in the harbour.
Message 41190.156 was deleted
From: graphitone22 Sep 2014 09:06
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 157 of 189
  • I like a fine Assam thankyouverymuch. I have no regional based political bearings driving my taste in tea. In fact, I've tried Yorkshire tea and found it as base as Typhoo.
  • I've never got on with Darjeeling or jasmine tea.
  • TBH, I have nothing against PG Tips, they make a good tasting decaf tea.
  • White tea's my favourite at the moment.  :-)
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)22 Sep 2014 09:10
To: graphitone 158 of 189
Yeah, I'm kind on a white tea kick.

I like Darjeeling (particularly first flush, which sounds like an early morning toilet break, but is v. nice).

I don't know if you get it in the UK, but the only thing worth drinking in Starbucks is China Green Tips. It is really good!
From: graphitone22 Sep 2014 09:32
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 159 of 189
I try to avoid starbucks as a rule, but if I'm ever in a situation where I need tea and I'm passing, I will check it out.

I tried a nice peppermint tea from Teapigs a while back, I was pleasantly surprised, it was nice n' smooth. I've found others can be a tad acerbic. Hmph, first world problems, eh?
EDITED: 22 Sep 2014 11:48 by GRAPHITONE
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)22 Sep 2014 09:35
To: graphitone 160 of 189
quote: graphitone
I try to avoid starbucks as a rule,

Oh, me too. But Mrs B is a caffeine junkie.

From: ANT_THOMAS22 Sep 2014 10:09
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 161 of 189
I'm glad I don't like coffee because it means I'm not one of those people that say they can't function without a few cups in the morning.
From: graphitone22 Sep 2014 11:47
To: ANT_THOMAS 162 of 189
I'm slowly getting back into caffeine, my stomach/reflux situation has improved to the point that I can drink full fat tea without any side effects. I went for 2 - 3 years without caffeine and just got used to it.

However, I like the caffeine hit that a cup of tea gives me in the morning, just enough to wake me up and get my brain in gear. Coffee (when I can drink it) or two cups of tea sends me loopy, I feel really on edge, my gums starting itching and with coffee I get bad stomach cramps. :C

Coffee can fuck right off.

EDITED: 22 Sep 2014 11:48 by GRAPHITONE
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Sep 2014 12:13
To: graphitone 163 of 189
I do drink tea (and pretty strong tea) throughout the day but I don't seem to get an obvious caffeine kick.

During the summer I'll generally have a brew when I arrive at work and drink juice the rest of the day.

But saying all this, I don't have kids so maybe my level of tiredness isn't quite the level of most other people! I just have a cat that wants to sleep next to me at 4am.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)22 Sep 2014 12:18
To: graphitone 164 of 189
It's the taste of coffee that puts me off. On occasion I'll have one of her ladyship's Nespresso coffees, but it's really once in a blue moon.

I prefer tea that's not too strong (either in flavour or caffeine), no milk or sugar. I am faggot.
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Sep 2014 12:24
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 165 of 189
Slightly coloured water then.
From: graphitone22 Sep 2014 12:39
To: ANT_THOMAS 166 of 189

Yep, having kids definitely makes you tired in ways you'd never have thought possible. I actually need a nap on a Sunday afternoon. It's not optional, I /need/ a nap and will have one no matter what else is going on.

I've turned into my father.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)22 Sep 2014 13:00
To: ANT_THOMAS 167 of 189