Another legal question

From: fixrman 8 Sep 2014 01:14
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 61 of 75
Why you cling to donut? Leave it alone, it not bother you.

Donut will say bad on you.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 8 Sep 2014 01:18
To: fixrman 62 of 75
Donut better watch itself or I'll turn it into shit!
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 8 Sep 2014 09:32
To: fixrman Ken (SHIELDSIT) 63 of 75
This doughnut(!) of which you speak, is it a freshly-cooked ring doughnut, or one of those horrid, cold, greasy filled doughnuts, or worse, covered in glazing?

I have limited tolerance of doughnuts.
EDITED: 8 Sep 2014 09:41 by MR_BASTARD
From: graphitone 8 Sep 2014 12:18
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 64 of 75
I love those little machines you get in seaside resorts and fun fairs that mix the dough and squirt it out onto a little automation line, shaping and taking the dough through its deep fried journey and finally depositing them on a paper plate. Them's proper doughnuts.

The shop bought ones, as you suggest are horrid bakery abominations. I am on the fence when it comes to glazes. I don't like finger food to be sticky, but I do appreciate the addition of sprinkles. If they found a way of sticking the sprinkles on without stickiness I'd be a better doughnut appreciator.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 8 Sep 2014 14:04
To: graphitone 65 of 75
Yep, I love those little machines too. And some of them make mini doughnuts! :)

The only acceptable covering for hot, freshly-cooked, ring doughnuts is granulated white* supremacy sugar.

* racialist! :@
From: Jo (JELLS) 8 Sep 2014 15:07
To: koswix 66 of 75
This report was just released today - might be helpful?

(Or maybe not as it deals with England and Wales and not Scotland.)
From: graphitone 8 Sep 2014 15:48
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 67 of 75
There's probably some appreciation society we can join. No doubt already patronised by men in flat caps, retired engineers probably, drinking tea, talking animatedly about cam shafts and drive belts. Of course, poor personal hygiene would abound and may well be positively encouraged.
From: koswix 8 Sep 2014 16:03
To: Jo (JELLS) 68 of 75
Different legal systems so not really relevant. Scotch law is for more restrictive.
From: fixrman 9 Sep 2014 03:01
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 70 of 75
It is your favourite kind.
From: fixrman 9 Sep 2014 03:02
To: graphitone 71 of 75
Funnel cakes, don't you mean?

The picture took a while to find. Too many of them looked like poodle turds on a plate.
EDITED: 9 Sep 2014 03:04 by FIXRMAN
From: graphitone10 Sep 2014 14:43
To: fixrman 72 of 75

Round doughnuts, produced with one of these:

EDITED: 10 Sep 2014 21:26 by GRAPHITONE
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)10 Sep 2014 21:14
To: graphitone 73 of 75
(pssst...I think you've forgotten something, ironically for a graphics type, if you get my drift)
From: graphitone10 Sep 2014 21:25
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 74 of 75
Great fat fanny knickers.

I swear it was there when I posted it.
From: fixrman10 Sep 2014 22:23
To: graphitone 75 of 75
That's better. If it makes a difference, I have noticed sometimes images don't "take" on the first go round. No idea why.