Another legal question

From: fixrman30 Aug 2014 20:20
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 31 of 75
That's it, gives him a dose of American excess.
From: koswix 4 Sep 2014 10:43
To: ALL32 of 75

So I've had to agree to giver her 20% of the equity. Not very impressed, but it would cost me that minimum to fight it in court. Still at least I should have a nice chunk of change left over.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 4 Sep 2014 11:04
To: koswix 33 of 75
I guess it's better than 50%. Do you reckon that the 30% covers most of the value you added since she left?
From: koswix 4 Sep 2014 11:20
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 34 of 75
I've added *all* the value since she left. When she left, there was an outstanding mortgage of £155k and an estimated value of the flat of £145k. Yay buying right before the credit crunch!
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 4 Sep 2014 14:43
To: ALL35 of 75
Remind me not to tell Ben that when we sold our house it was close to the peak and had doubled in value. That's our little secret, remember, DON'T TELL BENNY!
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 4 Sep 2014 16:11
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 36 of 75
Also don't tell him that our house has apparently appreciated in price by almost 30%, we only had the offer accepted in November last year... we did spend close to 40% of the 30% increase on STUFF (renovations etc), just hope property prices don't collapse again. SHHHH!!!!

(I feel like that silly lady in the SecretEscapes ad)
From: milko 4 Sep 2014 17:08
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 37 of 75
that's essentially meaningless unless you're about to sell it though. Or maybe to remortgage. If Truffy was able to buy his next house on the other side of the peak when things are cheaper, then it's a win. If everything's going up, then your next house just went up as well so it makes no useful difference. Innit!
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 4 Sep 2014 17:24
To: milko 38 of 75
Stop it with your logic and witchcraft!
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 4 Sep 2014 18:08
To: milko 39 of 75
Killjoy... I'm well aware of all that, but at least I'm not being a fun-sponge!
From: milko 4 Sep 2014 18:10
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 40 of 75
it's your own fault, you mentioned that fucking advert. I barely see a TV ad nowadays and I'm still aware of that one - it's shit transcends, man.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 5 Sep 2014 07:47
To: milko 41 of 75
I have never seen that ad.

And now I want to. :((
From: ANT_THOMAS 5 Sep 2014 09:42
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 42 of 75

That's one of them.
EDITED: 5 Sep 2014 09:42 by ANT_THOMAS
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 5 Sep 2014 10:09
To: ANT_THOMAS 43 of 75
You mean there's more? One wasn't enough?

Thanks for the education. I can now see what Mike's on about.
From: fixrman 5 Sep 2014 13:10
To: koswix 44 of 75
OK, so I'm left wondering why?
From: koswix 5 Sep 2014 13:42
To: fixrman 45 of 75
Because what is just and what is legal are very different things?
From: fixrman 5 Sep 2014 17:07
To: koswix 46 of 75
Right, but who said you had to give the 20%, your lawyer or hers? Reason I ask is because I was told something in a case I was involved in but the truth was on the other side, much more to my benefit. I pushed for answers, researched more and found that while I could have agreed in the issue, I also could negotiate for something better.

I am guessing you have that ability is well. Perhaps the reason for the 20% has something to do with what happened prior to the negative equity situation that remains applicable after, such as your ex put money toward the purchase of the house? What ever happened to the aces? I suppose you didn't want to have to use them.

For me, that would be a sticky situation were I to get divorced; we don't have "his money and her money", we have our money. I know some other couples who have totally separate finances, one pays utilities and one pays the mortgage, one pays the car loan the other pays the mobile bill. Too confusing to my way of thinking. Not saying this is your situation.

Maybe I am just old fashioned.  (car)
From: graphitone 5 Sep 2014 17:13
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 47 of 75
I believe that lady is also doing a turn in Casualty. The tv show, that is.

Could be Holby City. I wasn't really paying attention. :C
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 5 Sep 2014 18:26
To: fixrman 48 of 75
The difference being that your lawyers are all just a bunch of money-grabbing crooks, while Sottish lawyers are fine, upstanding members of honest society.

Oh yes.
From: koswix 5 Sep 2014 19:16
To: fixrman 49 of 75
20% equates to around 5 grand, that's the minimum it would cost in legal fees to pursue it through the courts. It'd probably cost me more because Scottish lawyers are just the same as every other lawyer, despite what truffle says.

Also going legal would delay me getting my dirty mitts on my share of the cash. As I haven't worked since the start of July and am still owed money from my previous employer I really can't afford to wait for court dates and shit.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 5 Sep 2014 19:43
To: koswix 50 of 75
I should've used blue text, at least for the last part
EDITED: 5 Sep 2014 19:43 by MR_BASTARD