3D Printers

From: ANT_THOMAS12 Jan 2017 23:38
To: Manthorp 72 of 109
Are you printing in PLA or ABS?
From: Manthorp12 Jan 2017 23:48
To: ANT_THOMAS 73 of 109
It's dual extruder and I've got PLA in one and ABS in the other, but I hear such grim reports about ABS that I'm sticking with PLA until I feel more confident.

I've had adhesion issues (it's my age, John) and I've ordered a borosilicate glass plate for my bed.  When that arrives (from Hong Kong!) I might have a stab at ABS.  How about you?
From: ANT_THOMAS13 Jan 2017 00:09
To: Manthorp 74 of 109
I'm currently still on the 500g roll of PLA (white, as per the pictures) that came with the printer. I have two rolls of ABS (black and clear) waiting to be tried, but I've not yet felt the need, or had the patience, to try it since I've heard plenty of similar grim stories of ABS difficulties. I've also got a roll of purple PLA on the way, since I felt the need for some colour!

It seems cheap ABS is easier to get hold of than cheap PLA. My tight-arse tendencies might push me towards ABS if I'm eventually successful with it.

I've read about specific glass types (borosilicate being the favoured), but I have just bought a cheap 90p photo frame from Wilko for the glass. That was to try if the blue tape didn't work. I might end up trying the glass for ABS, but I'm not going to be surprised if it cracks very quickly!

Dual extruder is definitely a nice option. I'm guessing if you want you can do two different colours of filament within the same print if it's all setup nicely? Also, give the blue tape a go if you're having adhesion issues. It felt like magic compared to the rubbish masking tape I was originally using.
From: Manthorp13 Jan 2017 00:27
To: ANT_THOMAS 75 of 109
Yes, you can run two PLA filaments & print two-tone, which will be fun in the fullness of time.  I'm sure you'll be fine with picture glass, but if the heat does eventually get to it, search ebay for Boro - you can get it much cheaper from China than from within the UK.

I bought a can of supermarket own-brand 'firm hold' hairspray and that seems to be helping considerably.  It's not perfect - I've still got issues with edges curling up - but it's a lot better.  Currently printing this Iris Box
From: koswix13 Jan 2017 01:10
To: Manthorp 76 of 109
Just grab a pyrex dish out of the local charity shop and knobble the edges off :C
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)13 Jan 2017 01:31
To: koswix 77 of 109
Why, do your charity shops sell remaindered methlabware?
From: koswix13 Jan 2017 01:36
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 78 of 109
Don't yours?
From: Manthorp13 Jan 2017 02:20
To: koswix 79 of 109
I've got some petri dishes from a recent bit of artfaggery. I could grow my prints in them.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)13 Jan 2017 02:26
To: koswix 80 of 109
Our meth is is sold in government stores. You have to be 4 or older to buy it. A lot of our unemployed are reselling to 3 year olds. It's a national disgrace.
From: ANT_THOMAS14 Jan 2017 14:23
To: ALL81 of 109
My first actually useful print, to try and prevent the cat opening the meter cupboard.

EDITED: 14 Jan 2017 14:38 by ANT_THOMAS
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)14 Jan 2017 18:27
To: ANT_THOMAS 82 of 109
how strong is the plastic it spits out? like something you'd buy in the store?
From: ANT_THOMAS14 Jan 2017 19:38
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 83 of 109
I'd say so. I'm currently using PLA plastic, I think a lot of stuff you buy generally is made out of ABS, which I'm yet to try. Even so, what I've made with the settings I've used has been strong and feels like it'll be durable. Obviously time will tell.
From: koswix14 Jan 2017 20:40
To: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 84 of 109
Depends on the direction. Bonds between layers can be quite weak, but strength within a layer is comparable to an injection moulded part.
From: Manthorp16 Jan 2017 13:57
To: ANT_THOMAS 85 of 109
Yeah, my experience is nearer Kos's than Ant's, but different machines & I'm a novice.  There's a stratification which doesn't matter in a sympathetic plane, but weakens the object (a bit) cross-grain.
EDITED: 16 Jan 2017 13:57 by MANTHORP
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Jan 2017 15:11
To: Manthorp 86 of 109
I've not done any tests of strength, or made anything that will take a load, but I imagine yours and Kos's experience is right. My stuff "seems" strong, but layer/wall height definitely makes a different to the perception of strength.
From: ANT_THOMAS22 Jan 2017 21:14
To: ALL87 of 109
It now has a home

From: koswix23 Jan 2017 00:53
To: ANT_THOMAS 88 of 109
Nice. You should make ikea style instructions and put them on instructables
From: ANT_THOMAS27 Jan 2017 20:53
To: ALL89 of 109
A unicorn. Horn and tail printed separately.

My first successful print of something with 4 legs requiring a brim and supports. A few failures to get to this point. The banding round the middle isn't great.

After I removed the chin/head support

From: ANT_THOMAS28 Feb 2017 22:23
To: Manthorp 90 of 109
How's the printing going? Printed anything more interesting than a whistle? But more importantly have you figured out the dual extruder?
From: Manthorp 1 Mar 2017 12:07
To: ANT_THOMAS 91 of 109
Playing happily, Ant, though I've had a spot of trouble with failed prints after using a 'woodfill' filament - it seems to have clogged up my nozzles, J.

I've been making objects that are, nominally at least, vases.

I keep the left extruder for PLA at the moment and the right for ABS, but in time I'm going to have to try dividing a model into zones and printing two-tone in different PLA filaments.