This pile of crap any good?

From: koswix15 Jul 2014 12:56
To: ANT_THOMAS 7 of 22
As my TVs are only 720p I might get away with running some games on the 9800. Coupled with an i5 in that mobo and some rams and a cheap htpc case I may have a funky little movie and old games box.

I don't like the power figures for the pentium D - well over 100 watts!
From: ANT_THOMAS15 Jul 2014 13:06
To: koswix 8 of 22
Yeah those Pentium Ds are hungry. I've got a Pentium D 805 somewhere that is of absolutely no use now.
From: koswix15 Jul 2014 13:09
To: ANT_THOMAS 9 of 22
It's barely even worth putting it on eBay :-|
From: graphitone15 Jul 2014 15:05
To: koswix 10 of 22
Old games box as in PC games from a few years ago, or an emulator/MAME box?
From: koswix15 Jul 2014 15:20
To: graphitone 11 of 22
PC games. And no reason not to mame etc. The card was pretty Damn good in 2008.
From: graphitone15 Jul 2014 16:29
To: koswix 12 of 22
Got me an Atari 2600 emulator and what seems like the entire back catalogue of games. :D

I tried MAME in the past for all the 2d fighters, I used to be into them in a big way about 8 years ago. If nothing else it helped confirm that King of Fighters is a shit franchise.

From: koswix15 Jul 2014 19:05
To: graphitone 13 of 22
I never really played arcades :-|
From: graphitone15 Jul 2014 20:37
To: koswix 14 of 22
Neither did I, but had a lot of fighting games on my Megadrive/Saturn.
From: koswix15 Jul 2014 20:42
To: graphitone 15 of 22
I have a mega drive. In a black plastic carry case.
From: graphitone15 Jul 2014 20:58
To: koswix 16 of 22
Are they approaching antique status in that they're worth anything yet?

Actually, yes.
From: koswix15 Jul 2014 23:28
To: graphitone 17 of 22
Might need to check if it still works then!
From: koswix16 Jul 2014 20:16
To: ALL18 of 22
Put a load of it on eBay will see what I get back for it. Keeping the 9800GT and the new mobo, may be useful.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)26 Jul 2014 14:41
To: graphitone 19 of 22
I want it but I know my wife would kill me <puts on watch>
From: graphitone26 Jul 2014 15:22
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 20 of 22
I love the slogans companies put on these things usually promising way more than they can deliver, or will only be relevant for a short period of time. Guess it serves a purpose at shifting units though. The box has:

"the ultimate games console!!!!rar!e2£$"!!!"

emblazoned on it in what looks like times new roman (fail)
From: Dave!!26 Jul 2014 17:23
To: koswix 21 of 22
Bear in mind that a lot of the mobos for the Pentium D will usually take earlier-grade Core 2 Duos and Pentium Dual Cores with just a bios flash. Should be able to pick those CPUs up nice and cheaply these days and power usage figures are miles better.
From: koswix26 Jul 2014 21:48
To: Dave!! 22 of 22
The motherboards are in the council tip now. Dell and Packard Bell, so probably proprietary fittings anyway. Sold the p4d for a fiver on eBay but accidentally posted it to the wrong person :-$