Video Card Questions

From: af (CAER)11 Mar 2014 16:28
To: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 31 of 34
There's a thing in the Interface options too (I forget where) that controls how the nameplates are arranged – stacked vertically, spread out, or all overlapping. I find the 'spread' one works best for sensible-sized bunches of monsters, but it gets a bit out of control when you have 5 or more.
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)12 May 2014 23:00
To: af (CAER) 32 of 34
I only have their names showing now. Nothing else. I don't need see titles. I don't care if they're Grand Pubbah of whatever. Just whether or not I can keep them from kicking my butt. lol
From: af (CAER)13 May 2014 09:25
To: DeannaG (CYBATRON) 33 of 34
That's what I mean – it shows a clickable bar that has their health, level and name on it, rather than just a non-interactive text label.
From: DeannaG (CYBATRON)16 May 2014 00:56
To: af (CAER) 34 of 34
I just try to avoid anything red or skully. lol