
From: ANT_THOMAS23 Jan 2014 17:41
To: milko 7 of 12
Well my car stereo always lives in my car so that's how it knows I'm in the car. (I assume you mean to pair to something else?)
From: milko23 Jan 2014 18:54
To: ANT_THOMAS 8 of 12
yeah, visor-mount mic/speaker innit. But it's not going to know to BT-on and pair with it without me telling it that it's in the car.
From: Radio23 Jan 2014 19:20
To: milko 9 of 12
Nope, tags don't remain connected the way other wireless technologies do. It's a single tap on, and then done.
On the positive, you don't need a second tag to switch things off, you can set them as toggles rather than just power on or power off. So one tap when you get in the car, and a second when you get out.
They don't come in ones, but I could send you one to play with if you wanted. Got at least half a dozen lying unused here.
From: milko24 Jan 2014 00:08
To: Radio 10 of 12
Hmmmmm. Thanks. I had the idea I'd stick it to the phone holder, not sure the toggle method would work then! If you've genuinely got spare and it's not too much of an arse, I'd take one or two and see if any spare Steam codes are of interest, I have a few Humble Bundle duplicates I think.
From: Radio24 Jan 2014 07:30
To: milko 11 of 12
PM me your address and I'll send a couple your way.
From: ANT_THOMAS13 Feb 2014 21:19
To: ALL12 of 12
Bought a pack of 5. First one is now being used to active a tasker task that turns on the lights, turns on the HTPC (which turns on the TV) then starts a TV channel