
From: koswix 1 Feb 2014 14:38
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 69 of 542
Get one and selection of components and follow some beginner tutorials. Once you get an idea of what sort of things you can do you'll start thinking of projects.
From: koswix 1 Feb 2014 22:18
To: ANT_THOMAS 70 of 542
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Feb 2014 23:42
To: koswix 71 of 542
I think I will at some point. Would like yo have a play with one and see what it can do.

As we were talking about soldering irons this morning by brother in law text me to ask if I have a soldering iron. Made me giggle.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 5 Feb 2014 09:48
To: koswix 72 of 542
It's like Pixar!  I wish it didn't make such a racket.  Could you imagine the bitching you'd hear if you woke up to take a piss in the middle of the night?  The whole house would be up because my dog would freak the fuck out and bark at it.
From: koswix 5 Feb 2014 10:03
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 73 of 542
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 5 Feb 2014 10:05
To: koswix 74 of 542
It is interesting, but all I see are the feds hacking in and watching your every move!
From: koswix 5 Feb 2014 10:07
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 75 of 542
At least you'd know about it. I mean it'd certainly throw some light on the situation.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 5 Feb 2014 10:09
To: koswix 76 of 542
Would you? The light would just follow you around as normal, and the feds would just watch through whatever that funky interface is.
From: ANT_THOMAS13 Feb 2014 21:22
To: ALL77 of 542
Well the two with USB and soldered pins /finally/ arrived today. Just need to think of some other things to do.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)13 Feb 2014 21:53
To: ANT_THOMAS 78 of 542
Chinese New Year slowing things down?
From: ANT_THOMAS13 Feb 2014 21:58
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 79 of 542
No idea because I ordered other things at the same time that arrived a couple of weeks ago. Also ordered things since that arrived last week.
From: ANT_THOMAS25 Feb 2014 18:58
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 80 of 542
Considering the nomination.....

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)25 Feb 2014 20:35
To: ANT_THOMAS 81 of 542
From: Chris (CHRISSS)25 Feb 2014 20:58
To: ANT_THOMAS 82 of 542
Oohh, nice. I like that. How easy is that to setup and how accurately does it work?
From: ANT_THOMAS25 Feb 2014 21:14
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 83 of 542
It's not too bad but there's often some funny interpretations.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)26 Feb 2014 09:02
To: ANT_THOMAS 84 of 542
So is that with a controlled switch or a relay?  Nice job!
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Feb 2014 09:57
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 85 of 542
Should have posted in this thread too -

Voice to Google search
AutoVoice detects key phrases and speaks to Tasker
Tasker does a HTTP Get command to my web server
Web server issues light on command to Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi issues light on command to Arduino
Arduino sends light on signal to LightwaveRF switch

So it's a controlled switch.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)20 Apr 2014 15:19
To: koswix 86 of 542
Tempted to get this Not sure if it's worth spending so much though, depends how much I'll use it I guess. Gonna need one for my mini quadcopter when the motors wear out. And when I build my full size one. And I definitely want to do some Arduino stuff.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)26 Apr 2014 19:48
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 87 of 542
From: Chris (CHRISSS)27 Apr 2014 14:05
To: ALL88 of 542
Damn. Too late. I was going to order it now and it's back up to the old price.