
From: Chris (CHRISSS)25 Nov 2015 01:03
To: ALL435 of 542
First time I've played with this for ages. Forgotten how to connect up my USBASP to program the board.

My temp sensor has stopped working a while ago and I hadn't bothered getting it going again. Tonight I've added a diagnostic mode to it. Got a button on it which, if pressed when turning it on, sets the sensor to diagnostic mode. Then some LEDs flash to let me know if it's reading a correct temperature and if the data is being sent.

Before I had nothing to let me know it was even switching on.

Want to make a proper soldered board at some point. Got enough bits to make a few of them at least.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)25 Nov 2015 16:20
To: ALL436 of 542
Grr. It stopped working again. Worked last night for only an hour, reset it this morning and it's stored after an hour again.
From: koswix25 Nov 2015 16:31
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 437 of 542
Did you remove the line of code that tells it not to stop after an hour?
From: Chris (CHRISSS)25 Nov 2015 17:09
To: koswix 438 of 542
Haha. I'll comment that line out later and try again :D
From: Chris (CHRISSS)26 Nov 2015 10:29
To: ALL439 of 542
Loose connection I'm thinking. I had it running for about 5 hours last night, the lights had stopped flashing when I got back from the comedy club. Have it a tap and it came back on.

The new Pi Zero looks interesting.
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Nov 2015 10:56
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 440 of 542
Looks like I'll be buying some of those!
From: Chris (CHRISSS)26 Nov 2015 11:51
To: ANT_THOMAS 441 of 542
I'm sure I'll get some too, no idea what for yet.
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Nov 2015 12:05
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 442 of 542
They're giving one away free with the MagPi magazine, going to see if the local ASDA has one.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)26 Nov 2015 12:32
To: ANT_THOMAS 443 of 542
Oohh, I'll see if I can pick one up on the way home somewhere.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)30 Nov 2015 15:13
To: ALL444 of 542
I finally have my wireless temp sensor on a circuit board. Messy, cables all over the place, but it works. Yay. Definitely more reliable than the breadboard version.

I dropped it on the floor while soldering and when I tried programming it didn't work. Thought I'd broken it but forgot I need a 16MHz crystal attached before I can set it to 4MHz using the built in clock. And then it still didn't work so I definitely thought I'd broken it but I had the USBasp connected incorrectly.
From: koswix30 Nov 2015 15:45
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 445 of 542

It's amazing how prolific, and easy to get started with, stuff like this is now. Love it.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)30 Nov 2015 16:00
To: koswix 446 of 542
Yes, they're awesome. And logs of fun :)

Next I want to design my own PCB so I can just solder all the components straight to a board, if they're not too expensive.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)30 Nov 2015 16:58
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 447 of 542
Can you show me logs of fun?
From: koswix30 Nov 2015 17:09
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 448 of 542
There's a place you can order PCBs for remarkably low cost, trying to remember what it's called...
From: koswix30 Nov 2015 17:10
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 449 of 542
From: Chris (CHRISSS)30 Nov 2015 17:11
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 450 of 542
2,2015-11-28 07:46:49,17.75,2.854
2,2015-11-28 07:50:24,17.625,2.854
2,2015-11-28 07:52:47,17.5625,2.861
2,2015-11-28 07:57:34,17.625,2.854
2,2015-11-28 08:02:21,17.6875,2.854
2,2015-11-28 08:04:58,17.75,2.861
2,2015-11-28 08:08:34,17.6875,2.877
2,2015-11-28 08:09:45,17.75,2.877
2,2015-11-28 08:10:57,17.8125,2.854
2,2015-11-28 08:12:09,17.75,2.854
2,2015-11-28 08:13:21,17.6875,2.877
2,2015-11-28 08:14:32,17.75,2.877
2,2015-11-28 08:19:19,17.8125,2.854

From: koswix30 Nov 2015 17:11
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 451 of 542
I love the quizzical change in direction. Definitely looks like a log of fun.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)30 Nov 2015 17:12
To: koswix 452 of 542
Good God!
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)30 Nov 2015 17:12
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 453 of 542
From: koswix30 Nov 2015 17:13
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 454 of 542
Wonder if it was a no-wiper, too. That'd probably be the most satisfying shit ever.