Uses for old mice

From: koswix20 Nov 2013 11:59
To: ALL1 of 4
About a month ago I dropped my laptop. Not far, and it was absolutely fine afterwards. The only damage was the receiver for my cheapy, $3 Chinese wireless mouse which exploded into a million pieces.

So I order a Microsoft Wireless Mobile Mouse 4000, which is quite lovely and not too expensive. And then my laptop got nicked, with the nano receiver in it.

So I now have two wireless mice that are, as far as I know, completely useless. Any cool ideas for what to do with them/their internals?
From: Chris (CHRISSS)20 Nov 2013 12:06
To: koswix 2 of 4
Feed them to snakes.
From: koswix20 Nov 2013 12:10
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 3 of 4
Manthrob's mechanical snake (N,J)
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)21 Nov 2013 08:11
To: koswix 4 of 4
Force them to fight until only one remains!