Kind of urgent laptop-me-do

From: koswix18 Nov 2013 16:41
To: ALL8 of 27
OK, I quite like the look of this, but what's with that stupid keyboard layout? It's making me feel all PB :S
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)18 Nov 2013 16:53
To: koswix 9 of 27
Looks rather nice actually; the keyboard is different because it's a larger format I guess.
From: koswix18 Nov 2013 16:56
To: Serg (NUKKLEAR) 10 of 27
They have the same layour on their 15.6" laptops. Small return key, \ above it. Not sure what else they've done to it. I normally use my pinky for the return key, and it always lands just over half-way up - which would be the \ key on the Lenovo.

Also the Gefrock 740M is about 10% slower than the 650M in my old one, and the screen is higher res so I reckon I'd really notice the difference in the two :(
From: ANT_THOMAS18 Nov 2013 17:01
To: koswix 11 of 27
There's absolutely no need for the left shift key to be so large.
From: patch18 Nov 2013 18:20
To: koswix 12 of 27
Is that a US layout or something?
From: koswix18 Nov 2013 18:21
To: patch 13 of 27
I believe the technical term is "bloody fucking stupid".
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)18 Nov 2013 18:29
To: koswix 14 of 27
You just can't handle a real keyboard.
From: koswix18 Nov 2013 18:30
To: koswix 15 of 27
Samsung seem to do the silly left shift/return thing on their US layours, but UK layouts appear to be normal (from a quick google image search).

Lenovo US and UK are both wack.
From: koswix18 Nov 2013 18:50
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 16 of 27
Are all your keyboards like that?
From: koswix18 Nov 2013 18:53
To: ALL17 of 27
think I'm going to try and get this one out of them, even if i have to pay a bit more (if that's possible)
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)18 Nov 2013 19:00
To: koswix 18 of 27
Not all of them. My dell laptop has both shift keys full sized.
From: Matt18 Nov 2013 19:52
To: koswix 19 of 27
If that was a desktop keyboard, I'd say without doubt that it is a US layout with the slash above the Enter key and you'd get a UK layout, but as it's a laptop anything is possible :(

(Lots of websites reuse the stock photos from the manufacturer, so you tend to see this almost everywhere.)
From: ANT_THOMAS18 Nov 2013 20:09
To: Matt 20 of 27
I thought that too and searched and didn't find any photos that didn't show the odd layout.
From: koswix18 Nov 2013 21:30
To: Matt 21 of 27
If John Lewis wasn't such a pain in the arse to get to I'd go have a look at it.

Are Radeon cards really bad these days? That's the impression I get from the benchmarks, but they can be misleading.
From: Matt18 Nov 2013 21:38
To: koswix 22 of 27
Far from really bad, just not on par with Nvidia any more. but AMD are definitely aware of this, which is why they've priced them a heck of a lot cheaper.

I'm still rocking a Radeon (currently have a 7970 3GBtbh, and previously a 6850 and a 4870 before that) and it's more than capable of running all the "AAA" games I play and at 1920x1200.

Edit: As far as laptops go, AMD GPU often means AMD CPU too and given the choice I'd always go Intel for laptops, so that might sway your decision.
EDITED: 18 Nov 2013 21:40 by MATT
From: koswix18 Nov 2013 21:46
To: Matt 23 of 27
Definitely going Intel for the CPU, but the Samsung I linked to above has an i5 with a Radeon 8850(I think). Seems to be more Radeon chips around at the moment compared to Geforce, no idea why.
From: Matt18 Nov 2013 21:58
To: koswix 24 of 27
They must be doing something right, in all 3 next-get consoles (if you consider Wii U next-gen).

8850m doesn't look too shabby. Last year's tech, but still very capable for a laptop GPU.
From: koswix18 Nov 2013 22:06
To: Matt 25 of 27
I think I was spoilt by my GT 650m. Also, I'm beginning to think my laptop was a complete and utter bargain :|
From: ANT_THOMAS18 Nov 2013 22:11
To: koswix 26 of 27
Would they buy from ebay?

Could be some brand new ones around on there.
From: koswix18 Nov 2013 22:25
To: ANT_THOMAS 27 of 27
Nope :(