The biggest thing I have against them was that their manifesto called for the scrapping of student fees. As soon as they'd hopped into bed with the Tories, they supported the increase in fees from £3,000 to £9,000 (despite receiving a lot of their votes and support from students), then Nick Clegg bluntly refused to apologise to them for this. Heck if he'd come out, said "sorry, but the financial crap we're in means we have to go back on this, I apologise" then I'd at least have had some sympathy.
Instead, he bunged one major pledge into his manifesto, did/supported utterly the opposite as soon as he was in government with the Tories and effectively said "fuck you" to hundreds of thousands of his voters. To me, that stank to high heaven and meant that I just cannot bring myself to trust a thing he says. And I've been in full-time employment since 2004 and am not a student!
EDITED: 25 Sep 2013 20:24 by DAVE!!