Help! Daughter's laptop can't boot

From: patch24 Aug 2013 11:19
To: johngti_mk-ii 7 of 13
Bung it back under warranty?
From: johngti_mk-ii24 Aug 2013 11:28
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 8 of 13
Sounds like a dead/dying hdd.  Don't trust it.

Yeah, that was my thought too!

From: johngti_mk-ii24 Aug 2013 11:29
To: patch 9 of 13
quote: patch
Bung it back under warranty?

That's going to be my advice to her. Only potential problem is her mum bought it cheap. Hope she can get a warranty return!

From: ANT_THOMAS24 Aug 2013 13:11
To: johngti_mk-ii 10 of 13
"bought it cheap"

Surely that shouldn't matter as long as it's new and from a proper retailer?
From: johngti_mk-ii24 Aug 2013 15:43
To: ANT_THOMAS 11 of 13
Yeah. Talking about my ex wife here.
From: PNCOOL30 Aug 2013 14:38
To: johngti_mk-ii 12 of 13
"Bought it cheap" sounds worrying.  Alarm bells were already ringing when you said it didn't have a Windows Licence on it anywhere. I'm pretty sure PC manufacturers can't sell full Windows based machines without a licence these days.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)30 Aug 2013 16:55
To: PNCOOL 13 of 13
Depends what version of Windows.  Windows 8 comes with the key in the BIOS now.  I looked high and low for my key last night and ended up having to get a program to extract it out of the BIOS.