Unfortunate that Neil Postman appears to set up a very crude reading of Orwell in order to stage this supposed win for Huxley. Of course, there's an even older story from 1921 which is probably a more satisfactory piece of writing than either. 'We' by Yevgeny Zamyatin has elements of both 1984 and Brave New World which isn't really surprising because it's very likely certain that both Orwell and Huxley read it before writing their books.
It isn't something where guns can help with, except perhaps by shooting people who aren't your enemy, but that's generally regarded as not the wisest of approaches.
I'm not going to try and describe 'it' because (1) I don't know the right words; (b) I don't know that I'm right; (iii) You probably have to experience it for yourself, Kneo.