BT Openreach

From: PNCOOL 7 Aug 2013 11:35
To: graphitone 35 of 48
How is the Meraki kit?  My IT reseller keeps trying to push that stuff on me even though we already use Xirrus stuff here.
From: graphitone 7 Aug 2013 12:57
To: PNCOOL 36 of 48
We've got it to roll out a unsecured publicly accessible wi-fi in our new office and we haven't moved there yet, so it's only been used here to make sure it works. The AP itself is fine, and I like the web interface on the parent site (you don't, as far as I can tell, access the AP directly, you sync any changes you make to your config from their site) but we've been unable to set it up properly as yet as it needs a direct connection out to the net and for some reason our DMZ isn't letting it out...

Don't know how it compares to Xirrus though, never got my grubby mits on that kit.
From: PNCOOL 7 Aug 2013 13:30
To: graphitone 37 of 48
Ah yes, that's the real difference between Xirrus and Meraki, the Meraki stuff can be configured in the Cloud.  I have a server management application for the Xirrus kit, so it's all controlled on-site.  To be honest, the regularity in which our fibre internet goes down, I'm not fussed that I can't control my kit in the Cloud.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 7 Aug 2013 15:08
To: PNCOOL graphitone 38 of 48
Would either of these offer point to point stuff?  I'm getting ready to start researching stuff to connect 3 buildings with PTP wireless.
From: PNCOOL 7 Aug 2013 15:27
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 39 of 48
I believe both do.  I know for sure that Xirrus market their stuff for that exact purpose as they sell lots in buildings that can't have a lot of cabling in them.  At our place we only use them as access points off of standard cabled infrastructure, but they like to replace switch cabinets with their things if that's what you're after.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 7 Aug 2013 15:29
To: PNCOOL 40 of 48
Sweet, I should have time to start some checking later today.  I'll give them a look!  Thanks!
From: MrTrent 9 Aug 2013 19:42
To: sinkywinky 41 of 48
One of the (admittedly rather few) advantages of living in Hull is that i don't have to deal with BT. I've only had problems with the KC line at my mum's house a few times, but their tech support is good and the one time we've needed an engineer visit he came promptly and at a convenient time.

They can be cunts in other ways though. Such as they don't let any other ISP's use their network, so if you want internet in Hull you have but one option. Plus the packages they offer are pretty shit.
EDITED: 9 Aug 2013 19:44 by MRTRENT
From: ANT_THOMAS 9 Aug 2013 20:55
To: MrTrent 42 of 48
That's the thing about KC, I'm sure many moons ago they were seen as being brilliant because they weren't BT, but if there's no competition or other options then you're stuck if what they offer is shit.
From: sinkywinky 9 Aug 2013 21:33
To: MrTrent 43 of 48
The prices are a bit rubbish.

In further plusnet and BT are shit news, I called Plusnet to get them to actually put the ADSL order on and called them the next day to make sure they were actually doing it:

"Yes, the order was placed yesterday and the install has been booked for next week."
"The person you spoke to earlier put on another fibre order."

From: sinkywinky14 Aug 2013 18:28
To: ALL44 of 48


From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)14 Aug 2013 20:08
To: sinkywinky 45 of 48
From: koswix14 Aug 2013 21:53
To: sinkywinky 46 of 48
Now instead of moaning about your shitty connection speed you can moan about shitty servers limiting your download speed. \o/
From: sinkywinky14 Aug 2013 22:10
To: koswix 47 of 48
A newsgroup download is only going at 3MBps what the fuck is this shit :@
From: koswix14 Aug 2013 22:12
To: sinkywinky 48 of 48