What the heck...

From: koswix11 Jul 2013 17:55
To: ALL1 of 15
...have they done to the Gmail inbox?!
From: ANT_THOMAS11 Jul 2013 18:06
To: koswix 2 of 15

No changes here.
From: koswix11 Jul 2013 23:11
To: ANT_THOMAS 3 of 15
Just wait. Mine was fine this morning. Bastards keep messing with shit for no reason :@
From: milko11 Jul 2013 23:14
To: koswix 4 of 15
Is this the Inbox/Promotions/Updates thing from about months ago, or something new?
From: koswix11 Jul 2013 23:57
To: milko 5 of 15
Yes, that. Really, months ago? *is.current*
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)12 Jul 2013 00:44
To: koswix 6 of 15
I only ever use gmail to test spam. Want some?
From: koswix12 Jul 2013 07:12
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)12 Jul 2013 08:13
To: koswix 8 of 15
Brains and eggs.
From: milko12 Jul 2013 13:09
To: koswix 9 of 15
I may have got it early by signing up to get it as soon as possible rather than just waiting for it to filter out, but it was definitely a while ago. It's OK once you get into it, filters out what you're most interested in for the main inbox and stuff you don't really need to see til you feel like it is tucked away elsewhere. So now for eg my phone doesn't bother alerting me that Evans Cycles have sent their weekly offers email.
From: koswix12 Jul 2013 17:19
To: milko 10 of 15
It's split all my important stuff across three tabs, seemingly on a whim.
From: milko12 Jul 2013 17:23
To: koswix 11 of 15
you can teach it a bit, I think. just drag a few from one to another. 
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)12 Jul 2013 18:10
To: koswix 12 of 15
I had high hopes for it too, but it's complete shit.  It doesn't notify me when I get mail in any of the tabs other than the main one and the favicon counter is the same way.  I think they are turning into Microsoft.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 3 Aug 2013 07:41
To: ALL13 of 15
Has anyone figured out how to get this new abomination to notify you of mail in any other folder other than Primary?  They broke the favicon counter that I used to rely on and now the only way I know if I have anything in 4/5 of my folders is to go look.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 3 Aug 2013 09:39
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 14 of 15
You can just disable the whole tab thing y'know.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 3 Aug 2013 11:09
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 15 of 15
Yes but what would I bitch about if I did?