I think this makes sense if there's a semi-nested structure to the discussion and the 'like'ing promotes popular posts to a more prominent position (like slashdot's system, which is really pretty similar to the facebook system though the organisation is different) but I don't see what sense it makes when applied to an essentially flat structure as we have here. I'd rather see a reply with :D or (nod) or "I agree.".
But yeah, wouldn't do any harm either other than possibly reducing the number of posts, as Ant says.
But yeah, if there's 'like' I'd really want 'dislike' too.
Emoticons broken or just me?
Just you, I can see them!
Perhaps if Matt was minded, he could pilot it & see whether & how it affected our intercourse.
I actually really dislike that about Reddit's format, to the extent that for the subreddit(s) I care about I always view them by recent posts first.
I'm sure there's a middle way. Leave the order as it is, but indicate with a scaled icon the posts that are highly regarded.
Or just simply a number of likes and a mouse over with the users who liked? Exactly like Facebook I guess.
Or a scale to rate a post? Rather than like/up dislike/down. I don't think promoting posts would work at all with beehive.
Or, as Kos said and I quote, "a dragon with a cock proportionate to the popularity of the post."
Perhaps have a user setting for the likes of Ken who are squeamish about dragon cocks, for them the font size of the post in question could be increased or decreased by 1 for each like/dislike the post receives.
I think Ken just needs to learn to love teh cock.
I think you should scale up the whole post instead, username and text and all. :Y
Or autoread the text in a proportionately louder voice.
Aye, I really dislike when it's used in places I like to read completely rather than just skim. Works well on stackexchange etc. though.
It definitely works there because it's generally not a discussion. Questions with the best answers higher.
If I was going to add it, I'd do a up / down vote thing but rather than the promotion system Slashdot have, which I agree wouldn't really work with Beehive's threaded structure, I'd probably go with something like Eurogamer's comment system where you have a user definable threshold (which would be a combination of total score and number of votes) and if the score goes below this the posts are hidden. Kinda like a social ignore list.
(This of course would be optional and you could choose not to set a threshold)
<uncaches things>