Google Reader

From: Chris (CHRISSS)16 Mar 2013 14:56
To: graphitone 62 of 69
It doesn't actually look so bad today. Not great in places especially one section where it looks like bobbly washed too many times clothes. Never had s problem with Dulux before but the Once stuff doesn't get good reviews. Probably just leave it though as it looks fine from a distance.
From: graphitone17 Mar 2013 08:32
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 63 of 69
How much of a distance are we talking about, do you have to be over the street peering in through the nets so it doesn't look too bad?
From: Chris (CHRISSS)17 Mar 2013 13:26
To: graphitone 64 of 69
I think probably best to go to the next town, squint your eyes and look at it through a welder's visor.
From: graphitone17 Mar 2013 20:52
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 65 of 69
In that case, can't be that bad... (giggle)
From: Chris (CHRISSS)17 Mar 2013 21:20
To: graphitone 66 of 69
Certainly could be worse :-)
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)26 Mar 2013 21:56
To: ALL67 of 69
FYI, Tiny Tiny RSS Reader is a pretty good replacement for Google Reader.  I have it running on my server and would be willing to let a few people use it if they'd like.  I still have to figure out the auto update script for it, but I have been using it and it's better than most other replacements I've seen.  Plus I'll have a say in when it gets discontinued!
From: THERE IS NO GOD BUT (RENDLE)14 Apr 2013 22:10
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 68 of 69

Seriously, 67 messages and nobody has mentioned Feedly? What's wrong with you people?
From: DrBoff (BOFF)29 Apr 2013 21:28
The mobile version is shit. If they made it more like the desktop one, I'd be in.