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From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)15 Mar 2013 11:43
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 44 of 69
The best thing since sliced people.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)15 Mar 2013 13:27
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 45 of 69
Haha. That seemed rather random until I read my post. White, brown or wholemeal? Another level of racism.
From: graphitone15 Mar 2013 14:43
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 46 of 69
Me. But I'll try finding you, if you're in everyone else's circles I'll track you down. Sherlock, that's my middle name.
From: graphitone15 Mar 2013 14:49
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 47 of 69
Nope, can't find you. You've probably done something daft like used a different username that's throwing me off the scent.

Hmm, maybe I could find you by scent, what's your odeur d'jour?
From: Chris (CHRISSS)15 Mar 2013 15:07
To: graphitone 48 of 69
I'm not Chrissssssssssssssssss but Chris Higglypigglypoo type of thingy. The scent today is probably a mixture of plaster, sawdust and white spirit. Mmm.
From: graphitone15 Mar 2013 15:47
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 49 of 69
(fail) Can't find you. Only found t'other Chris which I think is Fozza.

What's your name lad? That'll go some way to sorting this mess out.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)15 Mar 2013 15:51
To: graphitone 50 of 69
I'm Chris Higgins. So far I think I'm only on Xen, Ken and Matt's.
From: graphitone15 Mar 2013 16:12
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 51 of 69
"People who have recently circled <insert name> may not be shown".

There're too many Chris Higgins for me to be able to decide who you are...
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)15 Mar 2013 16:19
To: graphitone 52 of 69
From: Chris (CHRISSS)15 Mar 2013 16:43
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 53 of 69
You spoilt the fun :( I was playing hide and seek.

Early home time :) Back to sanding walls in the bedroom :( I so hate filling and sanding :'(
From: graphitone15 Mar 2013 17:13
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 54 of 69

I've added him.

Who are you, some sort of enjoyment spoiling bastard? 'COS THAT'S HOW YOU'RE COMING ACROSS.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)15 Mar 2013 17:17
To: ALL55 of 69
I'd consider using G+ more but everyone I know who uses it is also on here, and everyone else I want to keep in touch with uses Facebook. :/
From: graphitone15 Mar 2013 17:19
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 56 of 69
Takes an age doesn't it? I like DIY, but I don't like laborious jobs like painting edging and sanding 'specially but hand. I enjoy using power tools though and had a lot of fun cutting, fitting and planing all the doors at our old place.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)15 Mar 2013 17:27
To: graphitone 57 of 69
It's like you've never met me before (dance)
From: Chris (CHRISSS)15 Mar 2013 18:39
To: graphitone 58 of 69
Tedious, mind numbing and crap are three things that come to mind. The painting is a bit better than the preparation especially with totally shitty walls like this house has. Taken an age to get them smooth enough to paint.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)15 Mar 2013 20:01
To: ALL59 of 69
I think I'm /finally/ ready to paint the room! Been 4 evenings of sanding and filling and more sanding and more filling. At least the first two nights were slightly helped by the consumption of wine. Now I have none apart from a small amount at the bottom of a bottle which is probably full of dust now :(
From: Chris (CHRISSS)15 Mar 2013 22:40
To: ALL60 of 69
Well after all that sanding the paint I used has left a terrible finish in places, bubbled on some of the filler and pulled filler off in other places. Dulux Once! Crap! Only because the colour we wanted was only available in Once or I would have used the normal stuff. Pffff.
From: graphitone16 Mar 2013 09:51
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 61 of 69
Got any pictures?

I decorated our living room the other week and I painted the chimney breast a different feature wall type colour. We found a really nice blue in the Graham and Brown paints. Good colours, but shite product. Even after mixing it was very very watery and started emulsifying as I was putting it on. The cutting in dried a totally different shade to the main bit, even with the same amount of coats on. I think I did 6 coats in total and they still looked different. In the end we found a similar colour in Dulux and used that and it covered it all in one coat. That's the only time I've ever needed one coat of anything, even the 'one coat' stuff.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)16 Mar 2013 14:56
To: graphitone 62 of 69
It doesn't actually look so bad today. Not great in places especially one section where it looks like bobbly washed too many times clothes. Never had s problem with Dulux before but the Once stuff doesn't get good reviews. Probably just leave it though as it looks fine from a distance.
From: graphitone17 Mar 2013 08:32
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 63 of 69
How much of a distance are we talking about, do you have to be over the street peering in through the nets so it doesn't look too bad?