Too Fucking Cold Bro!

From: koswix24 Jan 2013 23:17
To: graphitone 21 of 52
I'm glad you were paying attention. It was a test. Well done, you passed.
From: graphitone25 Jan 2013 09:01
To: koswix 22 of 52
Do I get an award? I'll make an acceptance speech at the 2006 forum awards.
From: koswix25 Jan 2013 09:10
To: graphitone 23 of 52
You'll need to ask Kenny if it's award worthy or not.
From: graphitone25 Jan 2013 09:23
To: koswix 24 of 52
Puh, I ain't begging for no stinking award.

I'll award myself instead.



You want an award?

Sure. What is it?

It's a framed picture of Jim Kelly.


From: JonCooper25 Jan 2013 11:12
To: graphitone 25 of 52
you got done - no frame
From: graphitone25 Jan 2013 12:33
To: JonCooper 26 of 52

From: koswix25 Jan 2013 12:34
To: graphitone 27 of 52
Does the frame come later?
From: graphitone25 Jan 2013 13:20
To: koswix 28 of 52
I might go for the bohemian look and just stick it to the wall with some blu-tack. :C
From: koswix25 Jan 2013 13:21
To: graphitone 29 of 52
Use drawing pins :C
From: graphitone25 Jan 2013 14:28
To: koswix 30 of 52
I'm not putting holes in my freshly painted wall. He can be hung pride of place over the water feature in my kitchen (the sink). Coincidentally, that's also how his character ended up in Enter the Dragon.

My sink's a bit smaller than that though.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)25 Jan 2013 15:40
To: ALL31 of 52
From: Chris (CHRISSS)26 Jan 2013 16:17
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 32 of 52
Indeed it is. 8 degrees today :O
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)26 Jan 2013 21:14
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 33 of 52
I think the bitter cold is finally lifting here.  It's 21f out right now, it was 8f last night.  Supposed to make it up to 40f next week.
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Jan 2013 21:32
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 34 of 52
I think the bitter cold is finally lifting here. It's -6C out right now, it was -13C last night. Supposed to make it up to 4C next week.

There you go, fixed it for you.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)26 Jan 2013 21:34
To: ANT_THOMAS 35 of 52
Thank you!

I think Drew calls those earth units or something.
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Jan 2013 21:37
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 36 of 52
I know it's bad but I honestly have no concept of Fahrenheit.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)26 Jan 2013 21:39
To: ANT_THOMAS 37 of 52
I'm the same with Celsius.  And honestly anything from 32f to -30f is just cold 45f-65f is chilly 70-75 is perfect, 80+ is hot. 
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Jan 2013 21:46
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 38 of 52
I only know that 100f is hot.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)26 Jan 2013 21:48
To: ANT_THOMAS 39 of 52
damn straight it is. When I lived in FL it would hit 100 quite often. 100 and humid is miserable, but I'd take it over cold every time.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)27 Jan 2013 00:37
To: ANT_THOMAS 40 of 52
I only know 30F is 0C.