Guest votes in polls not counting

From: louise17 Dec 2012 17:01
To: Matt 10 of 13
Yes, it's 1!
From: louise29 Aug 2013 11:12
To: Matt 11 of 13
Hi Matt!
I'm baaaaaack....

Today I installed a brand new Beehive forum in my new webhosting service.

(I went to a new webhost because my old one didn't provide the latest version of php, etc...)

I was doing some tests and I still cannot get the guest votes to show in the results of a poll.

I decided to create a test poll in this forum and I voted in it. Then I logged out and voted a few times as guest. Lo and behold, the poll HERE showed the guest votes!!

How come polls work here but not in my new installation?

I installed beehive 1.3.1 .... that is the latest version, right?

Btw, I do have the options set to allow guests to vote in polls...

What do I do???

Also, the forum stats area doesn't work.. it says: "An error has occurred."
And I am getting beehive error reports sent to my email that say:

E_USER_ERROR Call to a member function query() on a non-object
Error Message:
Error in line 1462 of file
Version Strings:
Beehive Forum 1.3.1, on PHP/5.3.27, Linux, CGI-FCGI, MySQL/5.1.70
HTTP Request:

EDITED: 29 Aug 2013 11:28 by LOUISE
From: Matt29 Aug 2013 12:12
To: louise 12 of 13
We have a much never development version of Beehive installed here, Teh Forumites are pretty much my guinea pigs for new features and fixes. They get all the shiny new toys and fixes (and breakages) before they it goes to general release.

The Forum States (as you can see) is also fixed here.

I don't have time to fix these problems in 1.3.1 (recently started a new job), but hoping to release what you see here as 1.4.0 soon-ish, although I have no date set yet. If you're feeling brave, you can try out the same development build by downloading the current trunk from Beehive's github page.
From: louise29 Aug 2013 15:43
To: Matt 13 of 13
Oh heck, if it's good enough for you, it's good enough for me!

I downloaded it and successfully installed it... working great! Polls work, stats work... yeah!

Congratulations on your new job!