One to avoid

From: JonCooper 1 Feb 2013 20:29
To: ALL25 of 53
yay, genuine new person, we haven't had one of those for a while :D
From: Hudsville 1 Feb 2013 20:36
To: JonCooper 26 of 53
(or as my better half calls me, Victor!)
From: JonCooper 1 Feb 2013 20:41
To: Hudsville 27 of 53
hi and welcome, how did you find us ? (it's not often we see new members)
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1 Feb 2013 20:42
To: Hudsville 28 of 53
A new person :|

Welcome, Nicktor.

From: Hudsville 1 Feb 2013 20:48
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 29 of 53
Thanks, don't mind if I do.
nice place you have here.
Though it's very extensive.
Seems to cover pretty much everything interesting, much over my head (the construction industry is about 20-30 years behind, say, the automotive in my experience.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1 Feb 2013 20:53
To: Hudsville 30 of 53
<makes hudsville a nice cup of builder's tea>

Bout a pint of milk in it and 19 sugars?

It's not as busy as it used to be, round here. A combination of no natural source of new users and the rise of the social networks and stuff means we have a kinda slow puncture.

But yeah, it's a nice diverse place. Just post about anything you're interested in and ignore the rest. And never mention RAID. Or vans.
From: Hudsville 1 Feb 2013 21:19
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 31 of 53
You make a fine cuppa.
Hope you'll all excuse my manners - never sure if I should dunk my rich tea biscuits but I'll do my best not to make any gaffs. 

Last time I saw RAID and van in the same sentence was when we were commissioning a school in Hackney.  Don't know if the caught the blighters.

Seems more pleasant here than FB etc.

I'll have a look around  - thanks for the warm welcome...and the tea.
From: af (CAER) 1 Feb 2013 21:20
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 32 of 53
Or cracked balls?
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1 Feb 2013 21:34
To: af (CAER) 33 of 53
We can't even mention that we can't mention that :|
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 1 Feb 2013 21:35
To: Hudsville 34 of 53
Dunking is always the right thing.
From: Dan (HERMAND) 1 Feb 2013 21:39
To: Hudsville 35 of 53
Hey - cool. Please stick around, we mostly just talk shit!
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 1 Feb 2013 22:02
To: Hudsville 36 of 53
Coffee? Never been a tea fan. Apart from when I went to China. I liked the stuff they made there. With big leaves and stuff in pots/jars/whatever they had to hand.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 1 Feb 2013 22:05
To: Dan (HERMAND) 37 of 53
/You/ mostly just talk shit.
(actually, you don't, but /they/ do!)
From: Hudsville 1 Feb 2013 22:55
To: ALL38 of 53
LOL.  Actually, love a coffee too.  Best I had was ... well, picture says it all...

it's as fine as talc, and leaves a silt in the bottom of the mug, but tastes better than anything I've tasted since 
From: Hudsville 1 Feb 2013 22:56
To: Hudsville 39 of 53
Only thing is I can't fit this coffee grinder in my house! :-/
From: Hudsville 1 Feb 2013 23:02
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 40 of 53
Isn't there a whole rigmarole around how you make and serve it?
From: koswix 2 Feb 2013 00:11
To: Hudsville 41 of 53
>>I am an engineer in the construction industry

What kind? Civil, mechanical, madeup?

From: Chris (CHRISSS) 2 Feb 2013 00:27
To: Hudsville 42 of 53
No idea how it was made. People were carrying around flasks full of watery leafy concoctions. Serving was just pouring it into a mug. Not many people were there with seemed to enjoy the tea. Maybe it's becuase I don't drink it much back here.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 2 Feb 2013 10:21
To: koswix 43 of 53
I should get a job where I have to invent stories for a living (politician? Daily Mail journalist?) so I can tell people I'm in the fabrication industry.
From: graphitone 2 Feb 2013 22:55
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 44 of 53
That's tea at its most fundamental.

Did they have any white tea? It's one of those things I've heard about but haven't tried yet.