Fair enough.
Will do.
I also need to get used to Return making a new paragraph and not a line break!
Also, is CKEditor essential for Quick Reply?
Also again, is this a replacement for both TinyMCE (which I didn't use) and the simplified toolbar?
Just tried to create a new issue and got a 404, only to see this at the top of the page:
hahaha, I have time to bug-shoot at work (what with dull conf calls), not so much at home. Meh.
Is there a way to permanently disable the visual editor? clicking the 'HTML' button seems to put it in what I guess is 'source view' mode (with weird linebreaks), and 'Courier New' as the font, which ... ugh.
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
:( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
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You might want to make it a little clearer what the 'body p' thing at the bottom of the editor is.
That's another CKEditor thing. I can turn it on or off and via plugins change the name of some of the nodes to be more descriptive, like the youtube plugin does. Can't seem to do it for emoticons though! :C
you could effectively 'turn it off' with some CSS, and maybe just show it for 'advanced users' or something. At the least, adding some kind of label to say what it is/does would probably reduce confusion.
Is there a way to permanently disable the visual editor? clicking the 'HTML' button seems to put it in what I guess is 'source view' mode (with weird linebreaks), and 'Courier New' as the font, which ... ugh.
Not so much weird line breaks as some bastardised paragraphing.
That's in Safari 6 on OS X.
Also, having attempted to use contentEditable for my Soda thing, I appreciate the difficulty in making it work right. It's why I gave up and used a plain textarea instead, and will do so when I eventually get around to rewriting Forj.
Firefox 14 15 16.01 on Windows 8.
It's a OSX / Safari thing the word-wrapping or lack there of.
That's your first mistake, trying to write your own. Not even contentEditable works reliably across all browsers. CKEditor has lots of browser sniffing to turn things on and off and provide work-arounds. I certainly wouldn't want to write it.
It does it in Chrome too, so possibly it's a WebKit thing.
It's amazing the faffing about you have to do just to get something as seemingly simple as the same plain text out of different browsers, what with all their various interpretations of how the Enter key should be handled :|
I'm still missing the standard text/HTML input option.
I hate single enter for a new paragraph! I always end up with double-spacing everywhere due to just hitting Enter twice without looking. :(