Broadband Dropout Madness

From: koswix11 Oct 2012 19:52
To: pbm 12 of 18

Is that speed test or actual real world result?


I always found that when websites etc. were slowing to a crawl, I'd still magically get 95% of my rated speed on

From: ANT_THOMAS11 Oct 2012 20:52
To: koswix 13 of 18
What did torrents get in them periods?
From: koswix11 Oct 2012 20:59
To: ANT_THOMAS 14 of 18

What's a torrent? I've never heard of such a thing :C


(practically nothing, <1k/s.)

From: william (WILLIAMA)11 Oct 2012 22:50
To: koswix 15 of 18
I'm not having a go (nj). I was with them for a couple of years and I know all about their little habits. It's just swings and roundabouts - Sky happen to have pissed me off to the point where I fancy a change, and Virgin are offering better broadband service for less money at the moment. It's not just about broadband anyway - every pay-TV customer except long-term Sky customers gets a HD service. I looked at my monthly bill and saw that I could get more for less somewhere else.
From: cynicoid12 Oct 2012 03:51
To: ALL16 of 18
From: pbm18 Oct 2012 23:03
To: koswix 17 of 18

mix of the 2, 105 is via and the lowest download speed ive had from various servers (microsoft, torrents, cnet)


i know there has been a lot of slowness with virgin and what i have seen on the net its a dns problem, so i use google dns (,

From: william (WILLIAMA) 4 Nov 2012 00:35
To: koswix 18 of 18

Less than one week in, and I have to eat if not humble pie, then at leat some humble on toast.

Broadband is spotless for us. 45 Megabit wireless (802.11n) around the house. Wired, I seldom get under 65 Megabits and as we aren't even close to the traffic limit, that's no problem.

Television is another issue. The engineer turned up 10 minutes from the end of the booked time slot. He was in a foul mood which he shared with me quite openly. I spent a fair bit of the next hour calming him down. After he'd gone I realised he'd installed a 1TB Tivo box instead of the 500GB we were expecting.

That was the last good experience of Virginmedia television.

Sound dropouts, video freezes and dropouts, complete picture loss for a few seconds at a time (grey screen and static) all evening.

So I organised an engineer call. He turned up while I was away. according to my daughter, he spent about 3 minutes looking at the television, diagnosed loose connections, tightened the plugs, and left.

That did fuck all. The problems were just as bad, so I organised another engineer call. This one actually bothered to check the line. 'Too strong' he announced, and fitted an attenuator.  Then he ripped out our 1TB Tivo box and fitted a 500GB one. Bye bye all our recordings, favourites etc.  Bye bye our brief possession of a 1TB box.

So far I have to report his visit has done fuck all - apart from really really piss me off.