CIFS/Samba Share Issue

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)26 Sep 2012 14:36
To: ANT_THOMAS 9 of 18

I don't really know how samba handles permissions but showing what's there could possibly be a security issue...?


But yeah, I avoid samba (well, I avoid windows file sharing really because it never fucking works) so I don't know much :C

EDITED: 26 Sep 2012 14:36 by X3N0PH0N
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Sep 2012 14:38
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 10 of 18

Thanks for the help and pointing me towards permissions :C


NOTHING has been changed. Stupid thing.

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)26 Sep 2012 14:39
To: ANT_THOMAS 11 of 18
(Slackware is a fucking odd choice for a server)
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Sep 2012 14:54
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 12 of 18

(I think it's because my boss thinks it's particularly stable.


Not sure how true that is, but the thing doesn't seem to ever crash, though it's only acting as a file and web server, so nothing intense.)

From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)26 Sep 2012 15:01
To: ANT_THOMAS 13 of 18
(it's a good distro, and some people know it inside out. very very flexible. A lot like Arch really. I'd want something friendlier on a server is all)
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Sep 2012 15:11
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 14 of 18
(There's only me and him with any proper access, and there was only him until I turned up. It's certainly not as easy to use as ubuntu, but that's probably more a case of me being used to ubuntu on the command line. It's not a great deal different though. Most commands work across different distros. I've only tried to install a few new packages on it in the past and from what I remember it wasn't as simple as "apt-get install <thing>". He's a full time Linux user so he's more than comfortable with it all. I think he uses Kubuntu on his desktop)
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)26 Sep 2012 15:16
To: ANT_THOMAS 15 of 18
(Oh aye, in terms of just using it linux is linux for the most part. It's about how it handles updates. Apt is just really good at... not breaking. And being fixable when it does break)
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Sep 2012 15:44
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 16 of 18
(Yeah, I wouldn't even bother attempting to update this server myself)
From: ANT_THOMAS26 Sep 2012 16:55
To: ALL17 of 18

Well it's not a symlink issue.


It seems like we can no longer share a cifs mount over samba.


/mnt/nmr is a cifs share off a novell server (I think), that require a login. It mounts fine, it just can't be accessed over samba. It's not just a Windows issue, the samba share can't be seen properly in Linux either.

From: ANT_THOMAS27 Sep 2012 10:09
To: ALL18 of 18

Problem solved.


The fs type was changed from smbfs to cifs a while back because things stopped working (or IT made a change). Changed it back and things are working again. I assume they made another change.