
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)17 Sep 2012 17:02
To: graphitone 37 of 52
quote: graphitone
Anything else would result in an unholy unrecognisable tangle of flesh silicone.

Fixed that for you!
From: Manthorp17 Sep 2012 19:04
To: graphitone 38 of 52
This is a project for Wingnut; best suited to a man who regards feathered edges as girlie stuff.
From: graphitone17 Sep 2012 20:37
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 39 of 52
From: graphitone17 Sep 2012 20:38
To: Manthorp 40 of 52

I await with tensed loins.


Actually, now that I'm home, I might have a go myself.


<turns off safe search in a mad fit of pique>

From: graphitone17 Sep 2012 21:02
To: Manthorp 41 of 52

Following in Kenny's visual parlance, I've too decided to eschew the rather poncy way of handling feathering, but covering it all up by making the images tiny. :-Y


Here're my efforts, first with just Anderson and Rice, secondly with all three mixed in, which seems a tad too confused.

From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)17 Sep 2012 21:09
To: graphitone 42 of 52

I would.


(Hunt it down and kill it, I mean)

From: Manthorp17 Sep 2012 21:17
To: graphitone 43 of 52
Love it. The first one looks like Tracy Emin.
From: graphitone17 Sep 2012 21:19
To: Manthorp 44 of 52

I knew it looked like someone, but before I could place her, I got distracted by the cleavage cut outs I'd cropped from the originals. :-O
You're right though - I think the second one's got a slight look of Stella McCartney about it.

From: Manthorp17 Sep 2012 21:21
To: graphitone 45 of 52
With a touch of the zombie about her...
Message 39905.46 was deleted
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)18 Sep 2012 07:45
To: graphitone 47 of 52
I don't like the second one's eyes follow me around the room...out of the office, and into the toilet.
From: graphitone18 Sep 2012 08:04
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 48 of 52

Perhaps she's watching because you're going into the /wrong/ toilet...



From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)18 Sep 2012 09:20
To: graphitone 49 of 52
No, it's definitely the correct toilet. The filthy strumpet just wants a gander at my enormous cock.
From: graphitone18 Sep 2012 12:28
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 50 of 52
Oh really?

Do you wear the hat to the toilet too?
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)18 Sep 2012 12:36
To: graphitone 51 of 52
Oh my, he does have a small cock, doesn't he?
From: graphitone18 Sep 2012 12:45
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 52 of 52
Now I know you're being facetious. That man obviously has a large cock - how else did he manage to pull such a fine bird looking like that?