
Message 39905.13 was deleted
From: ANT_THOMAS15 Sep 2012 23:17
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 14 of 52
What made you think she was poor?
From: Manthorp15 Sep 2012 23:21
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 15 of 52
But Snort, you're hardly likely to win friends & influence people with a self-aggrandising anecdote that was demonstrably untrue.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)15 Sep 2012 23:46
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 16 of 52
You didn't identify which entity was pretty.

Are you trying to torment me? :(
Message 39905.17 was deleted
From: Dan (HERMAND)16 Sep 2012 10:46
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 18 of 52

Little hint: The car a person drives tells you very little about her finances.


Maybe she got the car while things were going well and is now stuck making payments she can't afford? Or maybe she was able to save a lot during the boom times, and is still reasonably comfortable?


On the flip side, the newest car in our household is 10 years old. Doesn't mean we're on the breadline. And just to add some more personal experience - my last car was a 30k Audi. Was I rich? Nope, it was my company car and the only reason I got it was that I offered to take a second hand car. It was collecting dust so I got dead lucky - probably an ex Senior Managers car, who was earning double what I was.


Damn I loved that car!

EDITED: 16 Sep 2012 10:51 by HERMAND
Message 39905.19 was deleted
From: Manthorp16 Sep 2012 15:23
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 20 of 52

If people choose to look for a handbag shop in image search, you've cornered the market. And topping photography, too; you have captured the essence of Horncastle's retail offer.


You have been of great service to your community and you can be justifiably proud of your public-spiritedness. I will lobby for you to be offered the freedom of East Lindsey District.


<edit>Incidentally, I notice that you mention the 'pretty lady's' boyfriend ahead of her flashy motor. Perhaps he plays some role in stoking your righteous indignation?</edit>

EDITED: 16 Sep 2012 15:35 by MANTHORP
Message 39905.21 was deleted
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Sep 2012 15:59
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 22 of 52
Have you got a photo of him?
From: graphitone16 Sep 2012 16:55
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 23 of 52
Wouldn't be much point, it'd just be blurry and under exposed.
From: Dan (HERMAND)16 Sep 2012 17:27
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 24 of 52
3.0l V8?
Message 39905.25 was deleted
Message 39905.26 was deleted
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)16 Sep 2012 19:24
To: Manthorp 27 of 52
Are you suggesting that Alan's public-spirited gesture may, in this case at least, been partly spurred by lascivious thoughts of 'payment in kind', and that the spectacle of the delectable bag lady in the presence of Mr Muscles has put the kibosh on that? For shame, Mr Throb, for shame indeed!
From: Manthorp16 Sep 2012 22:29
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 28 of 52
That was indeed my inference, Mr. B. I thought it might have been a bit of a crush.
Message 39905.29 was deleted
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Sep 2012 01:12
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 30 of 52
a mix of Anna Nicole / Pam Anderson / Anneka Rice

So quite ugly then.
From: Manthorp17 Sep 2012 04:54
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 31 of 52
a mix of Anna Nicole / Pam Anderson / Anneka Rice

Ye fucking gods! I'm with BP on this one.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)17 Sep 2012 07:18
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 32 of 52
Count me in with the gruesome twosome!