Alan's Psychadelic Earthquake Breakfast

From: graphitone24 Sep 2012 12:45
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 357 of 392
This looks like the sort of stuff you could be coming up with, y'know, if your sources were credible.

Acutally, it could be you're looking at the same data the researchers in the article are, but your interpretation leaves a little to be desired.

Couldn't see anything in there about meteors though. :/
From: Manthorp24 Sep 2012 13:02
To: graphitone 358 of 392
All he really needs to establish a causal relationship between the meteor showers and earthquakes is a vengeful God who has a bit of a down on Iceland.
From: graphitone24 Sep 2012 13:56
To: Al JunioR (53NORTH) 359 of 392
Not that I want to drag religion kicking and screaming into this otherwise bonkers thread - but Mr. 53, do you believe that it could all be God's fault? If not, then whose? The Illuminati, aliens, Nostradamus, or Barack Obama?
From: Manthorp24 Sep 2012 14:23
To: graphitone 360 of 392
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)24 Sep 2012 14:30
To: graphitone 361 of 392
My money's on Rebekah Brooks
From: graphitone24 Sep 2012 14:34
To: Manthorp 362 of 392

Ah... that guy again.


I reckon it's all Buddha's fault. He wouldn't like Iceland, too cold and slippery, so he's going for a conversion. If it's pounded with enough meteorites, it'd flatten the landscape and with the extra geological activity, presumably warm the place up a bit. No doubt, the lack of hills and warmer climate would appeal to the fat man himself.

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)24 Sep 2012 14:50
To: graphitone 363 of 392
Yeah, but Buddha fucking LOVES Bjork, so there's no way he'd mess with her homeland.
From: graphitone24 Sep 2012 14:54
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 364 of 392

She does have her fingers in many pies.


Though the 'total annihilation of a country via weather' pie does seem a little over the top. :C

From: graphitone24 Sep 2012 14:56
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 365 of 392
He does love his screaming. I wonder how he feels about Norwegian Black Metal? If that's a no go, it could spell the end for that country too.
From: Manthorp24 Sep 2012 15:43
To: graphitone 366 of 392
He'll have a big down on Afghanistan after the Bamiyan Valley business.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)24 Sep 2012 15:57
To: graphitone 367 of 392
She has the power of the Chipping Norton set behind her, and they're pure unadulterated evil.
From: graphitone24 Sep 2012 16:03
To: Manthorp 368 of 392

<feverishly looks up Bamiyan Valley on wikipedia>


What's happening there then? Are the Afghans destroying it all?


<reads further into the article>


Damn Taliban - what's the matter with these people?

From: graphitone24 Sep 2012 16:04
To: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD) 369 of 392
From: Manthorp24 Sep 2012 16:13
To: graphitone 370 of 392
They're wankers, is what.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Sep 2012 16:21
To: graphitone 371 of 392
I have several responses to this:

1. It's not like people who claim to be fervently religious (especially where the religion prohibits idolatry) destroying the iconography of another religion/sect is novel. It's been going on since at least ancient Egypt, and we did our share of it too.

2. Buddhism values an acceptance of transience and lack of attachment.

3. Dropping bombs on their houses is worse.

But yes, I'm not being contentious or owt. The Taliban are vile.
From: Manthorp24 Sep 2012 16:30
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 372 of 392
Worth saying that tourist traffic visiting the Buddhas was a major source of income to the whole valley. That's arguably the greatest crime of the Taliban; depriving local people of their living.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)24 Sep 2012 16:34
To: Manthorp 373 of 392

Aye, though I'm sure that's in their interests too.


(edit: the Taliban's I mean)

EDITED: 24 Sep 2012 16:34 by X3N0PH0N
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)24 Sep 2012 17:07
To: Manthorp 374 of 392
But who needs to make a living when you have religious fundamentalism to put food on the table? Oh...
From: graphitone24 Sep 2012 17:20
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 375 of 392
I agree. (nod)

However, what we need to do is get a 3d render of the statues pre destruction, then using the current crop of 3d printers, we should be able to replicate them. Admittedly, it might only be along the scale of a nice garden ornament at first, but let the technology mature and soon we'll be printing 200ft sky scraping Buddhas like they were going out of fashion.
From: patch24 Sep 2012 17:31
To: Manthorp 376 of 392
My parents took this photo sometime in the late 60s. Maybe early 70s. And this one.

I've got nothing really to add to this conversation. I just felt like sharing the pictures.
EDITED: 24 Sep 2012 17:32 by PATCH