Teh Podcast - Hosting ?

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Jul 2012 18:41
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 5 of 21
podcast.tehforum.co.uk would be it - no need for extra letters.

Using www is a convention - it has never been required to be at the start of a URL.
EDITED: 16 Jul 2012 18:44 by BOUGHTONP
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)16 Jul 2012 18:56
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 6 of 21
Using www is a convention - it has never been required to be at the start of a URL.



(goes off to try..)

I really did not know that.
Firefox still adds it in, is it browser dependent? Would older browser not work without www?
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)16 Jul 2012 18:57
To: Matt 7 of 21
Files size are currently about 70 - 100 mb per 1hr - 1.20min episodes
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Jul 2012 19:07
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 8 of 21
It has nothing to do with the browser* - it is up to the server to handle.

Some servers, if you type domain.com will redirect you to www.domain.com (e.g. http://google.com adds the www )
Others, if you type www.domain.com will redirect you to domain.com (e.g. http://www.stackoverflow.com removes the www )

You may sometimes come across badly configured servers which do fail if they receive the non-www version, but I can't recall any examples of that (it did happen once to me recently, on some site that should have known better, but I forget the specifics.)

*Of course, because it is a convention, some browsers may well sometimes do stuff that involves adding www, but almost certainly what you're referring to is not browser-driven, but the server sending the redirect request. (You can use Firebug's Net panel to see this occur.)
From: Matt16 Jul 2012 19:08
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 9 of 21
It's server dependent.

Teh redirects you to www because it can, but it doesn't have to.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Jul 2012 19:14
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 10 of 21
100mb downloaded 100 times is ~10GB of data transfer, which is 5% of our monthly allowance for one episode.

I don't know how likely getting 1k+ subscribers is, but having some distributed system (like torrents) to spread that load and make sure it's not an issue is probably a good idea.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)16 Jul 2012 19:15
To: ALL11 of 21
Didn't know that, cheers
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)16 Jul 2012 19:16
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 12 of 21
would that still be linkable to itunes etc? I never done torrent setups etc
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Jul 2012 19:21
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 13 of 21
I've never done torrent setups or iTunes, so haven't got a clue. :P

I might have enough space/transfer on my server - not sure, and have to go now - if a fixed host is needed I'll check the numbers later.
EDITED: 16 Jul 2012 19:21 by BOUGHTONP
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)16 Jul 2012 19:28
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 14 of 21

I've got some reseller hosting your welcome to use while you gauge things. I can limit the bandwidth to prevent it running away - I have 500GB a month to play with and barely tickle it really.


Don't know how feasible it is in the long term, but as I say, totally happy to help if I can.


I wonder if, between that, Teh and anyone else we could fix up a simple CDN. What do you think Matt, could just do it round robin style, or even just random.
Edit: I personally dislike the idea of using torrents for this, primarily because I don't have a torrenting program installed and it's a bit iffy running it when I'm on-site or at work.

EDITED: 16 Jul 2012 19:31 by PILOTDAN
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Jul 2012 20:04
To: ALL15 of 21
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)16 Jul 2012 20:51
To: ANT_THOMAS 16 of 21
how would that work if we wanted to get onto iTunes eventually?
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Jul 2012 21:06
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 17 of 21
No idea.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)16 Jul 2012 21:09
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 18 of 21
Agreed. I have gobs of bandwidth that I'm not using as well as storage space.
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)16 Jul 2012 21:27
To: ALL19 of 21

All cool cheers guys.


Think iTunes uses a single RSS feed for podcast. I have only created these using a single folder holding all episodes.


Sure we can work it out as required though :)



From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)16 Jul 2012 22:08
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 20 of 21
My bandwidth limit is bigger than your bandwidth limit. :>

Can also do monitoring/limiting/etc, so yeah, we could do a CDN/mirror thing and definitely not have anything to worry about.

primarily because I don't have a torrenting program installed


it's a bit iffy running it when I'm on-site or at work.

It's no less iffy than running an FTP program when you're on-site or at work.

Torrenting is a perfectly valid tech for distributing load and downloading files whilst responding to changes in network speed.

Anyway, no reason why we can't have both traditional mirrors, as well as [at least one] permanent torrent seed, and let people use whichever method they prefer. Options good. :)
From: Mikee17 Jul 2012 17:48
To: ALL21 of 21
I agree, I think it makes sense to have both a traditional http feed, but also a torrent feed. It should reduce the server bandwidth a lot if Teh members all use the torrent, but also means the podcast can be served to itunes.etc.