Making Teh Podcast Better

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Jul 2012 23:18
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 47 of 53
You seemed to need someone telling you to bugger off and ask people that know... :/

You listen to a dozen different podcasts with multiple people involved - how hard is it to check for details of what those podcasts use?

Saying "I'm going to try and find out what 1up/TWIT/Engadget/etc use" would have indicated that you were open to suggestions but not repeating a request that was already made.

I could have said just fucking google it, but I thought I'd see if I made progress with my ever failing quest to increase brain engagement.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)11 Jul 2012 02:53
To: patch 48 of 53
I was just about to snippit that, but I see you've noticed it as well.
From: koswix12 Jul 2012 22:09
To: graphitone 49 of 53



You do that drawing thing with pencils and stuff and make the logo pretty.



From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)12 Jul 2012 22:34
To: ALL50 of 53
Haven't we got Teh Bee with headphones on from one of the Teh Albums? Could be tweaked to be podcasty?

Also, I liked them. Someone organise a Teh Summer 2012 one.

The theme could be rain. :>
From: graphitone13 Jul 2012 07:06
To: koswix 51 of 53

Yes boss.


I've got an idea or two.


Do bees have noses?

From: milko13 Jul 2012 08:47
To: graphitone 52 of 53
about twenty drachma a week

Little ones, I think.
From: graphitone13 Jul 2012 09:05
To: milko 53 of 53
Grand, I'll be in my element then. I like drawing noses.