Making Teh Podcast Better

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Jul 2012 21:51
To: patch 45 of 53
What I mean is, instead of asking a bunch of people who obviously don't know (because they would have volunteered the information already if they did), it would make most sense to locate and ask one of those people that have solved it and ask them whether they have an automated stitching tool, or whether they have a single user recording the conversation, and in either case what tool(s) they recommend.

I don't know what's up with Fozza's sig, but it has "infected" one of my posts before too. :S
From: Dr Nick (FOZZA)10 Jul 2012 22:27
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 46 of 53

Of course you could have just said nothing rather than saying bugger off and look elsewhere. :)


There may have been others who have not read through the threads yet who may have seen that post and had an answer or suggestion or even a helpful try looking at x website you might have more luck.


 EDIT: No idea about my sig

EDITED: 10 Jul 2012 22:27 by FOZZA
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)10 Jul 2012 23:18
To: Dr Nick (FOZZA) 47 of 53
You seemed to need someone telling you to bugger off and ask people that know... :/

You listen to a dozen different podcasts with multiple people involved - how hard is it to check for details of what those podcasts use?

Saying "I'm going to try and find out what 1up/TWIT/Engadget/etc use" would have indicated that you were open to suggestions but not repeating a request that was already made.

I could have said just fucking google it, but I thought I'd see if I made progress with my ever failing quest to increase brain engagement.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)11 Jul 2012 02:53
To: patch 48 of 53
I was just about to snippit that, but I see you've noticed it as well.
From: koswix12 Jul 2012 22:09
To: graphitone 49 of 53



You do that drawing thing with pencils and stuff and make the logo pretty.



From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)12 Jul 2012 22:34
To: ALL50 of 53
Haven't we got Teh Bee with headphones on from one of the Teh Albums? Could be tweaked to be podcasty?

Also, I liked them. Someone organise a Teh Summer 2012 one.

The theme could be rain. :>
From: graphitone13 Jul 2012 07:06
To: koswix 51 of 53

Yes boss.


I've got an idea or two.


Do bees have noses?

From: milko13 Jul 2012 08:47
To: graphitone 52 of 53
about twenty drachma a week

Little ones, I think.
From: graphitone13 Jul 2012 09:05
To: milko 53 of 53
Grand, I'll be in my element then. I like drawing noses.