How about just fading the track out as you get off topic, then fading back in once you're all onto the next one?
That way you cut out any unnecessary stuff and leaves a distinct audio cue for the next section.
Plus Xen'll be happy.
I see your point, and I do think that even well-composed "jingles" would feel pretty out of place. I was thinking more of 15-30 seconds of intro/outro music, with snippets of it played between segments. I don't know if you'd count that as a jingle or not.
Unless you dispense with structure and just let it be a rambly conversation (which might be fine, that's what makes a great Teh thread after all), then you'd need to either find an organic way to segue from one topic to another or use the jarring "okay enough about games, lets talk about music" kind of line. The fade-out thing might work but it could be a bit strange, especially if you're trying to hear what's being said as it fades.
Nice idea. So, it should a podcast and Xen's critque of the podcast subtly overlaid over the top - that could be enhanced by having him voice opinions etc. live while teh podcast is being recorded. He'd be present but very quietly talking in the background offering words of wisdom on what's just been said.
It'd be like being haunted by a verbose poltergeist. Every so often the participants could try to exorcise him. :-|
That's reminded me of a rumour that certain recordings of Gorecki's Third Symphony have gun shots in the background. I'll have to dig out the CD and see if it's the one I've got.
That'll've been Ken again no doubt, messing around. The little gun-toting scamp.
I'm not sure if scamp translates into 'mercan all that well, you may as well ask him to eat a biscuit in a snikit, and you'll be staring at the same blank expression. :C
Ken - get the name change sorted.
Just looking at these post on a mobile so will come back after I have had a chance to look at the feedback in a bit more depth.
I love the idea of having a free flowing discussion, but at the moment I think people are a bit nervous being recorded etc and think it would possibly be a bit more meandering and jarring than the last one.
I think have a few topics ready and some prepared thoughts so you are not reliant totally on thinking on your feet as we were in the first episode will help to keep things flowing better and us on track.
The jingle music was awful agreed but it was nice whilst recording to stop and take a break. Maybe as we get more slick it wont take us a bladder busting 3 hours to record :)
Will respond to the rest later, Xen if you want to help mold this you are more than welcome to join us on the recording :)