
From: Matt 2 Jul 2012 20:56
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 25 of 47
Only if you can unfreeze time too of course.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 2 Jul 2012 20:57
To: Matt 26 of 47
Oh yeah, it would be shitty if you couldn't unfreeze it. Good catch!
From: graphitone 2 Jul 2012 21:25
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 27 of 47
Anyone remember that (American, I think) TV sitcom from the 80s where a small girl had the power to freeze time? No idea what it was called, but I know the opening credits had someone opening a door into a ladder holding a can of paint, which she duly froze and averted an unholy messy carpet.

Edit - looks like it was called Out of This World.

EDITED: 2 Jul 2012 21:32 by GRAPHITONE
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 2 Jul 2012 21:29
To: graphitone 28 of 47
I don't remember it.
From: af (CAER) 3 Jul 2012 12:16
To: graphitone 29 of 47

From: graphitone 3 Jul 2012 12:30
To: af (CAER) 30 of 47
Atrocious isn't it?

(Though I've just been through what I wrote to make sure you weren't quoting a mistake I made :-$ )

This should be part of the national curriculum.
From: af (CAER) 3 Jul 2012 12:31
To: graphitone 31 of 47
From: Matt 6 Jul 2012 22:11
To: ALL32 of 47
Slightly better today?

I have rate limited the search engine bots and also banned Baidu's bots as they kept visiting from many different IPs and creating lots and lots of sessions too.
From: patch 6 Jul 2012 23:06
To: Matt 33 of 47
Can't say I've noticed any slowness in the last day or so, so yes, better. Bravo, as far as I'm concerned!
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 6 Jul 2012 23:08
To: Matt 34 of 47
Definitely less slow, yeah. Not as nippy as it used to be but better than it's been for a week or two.

The slowness was the 'waiting for to respond' bit. Once it got round to responding the page loaded fast.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 7 Jul 2012 06:12
To: Matt 35 of 47
Maybe just a wee bit faster but not much for me.
From: Chris (CHRISSS) 7 Jul 2012 07:58
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 36 of 47
It seemed to be pretty fast (not as quick as usual) yesterday until 10-11pm.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 7 Jul 2012 13:14
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 37 of 47
Not too bad at the moment for me.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 Jul 2012 13:37
To: ALL38 of 47
Pretty sluggish for me this morning.
From: milko10 Jul 2012 17:56
To: Matt 39 of 47
It's gone slow again, loading threads and stuff. Is it maybe related to the attachment/profile trouble that seems to be happening?
From: ANT_THOMAS10 Jul 2012 18:04
To: ALL40 of 47
It seemed slow at work today but it's nice and quick on lite mode on my phone on a moving tram.
From: Matt10 Jul 2012 20:01
To: milko 41 of 47
Not related to the attachments, that's just the permissions I messed up.

I think it's just the number of visitors we get. A lot of them are filling up the admin log with ban reports from Beehive's StopForumSpam integration, but that is cached for 24 hours so shouldn't be a problem. Maybe.

Seems pretty nippy right now, like right now.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)10 Jul 2012 20:09
To: Matt 42 of 47
Right now is about the fastest it's been for a while. It's almost instantly loading pages on my mobile.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)10 Jul 2012 20:15
To: Chris (CHRISSS) 43 of 47
Yeah right now isn't bad. Earlier today it was on the pretty shitty side.
From: Chris (CHRISSS)10 Jul 2012 20:16
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 44 of 47
I've been working somewhere with no mobile reception this week so can't comment on how it's been in the day. Up and down a bit recently.