Leeds Meat - 18th August 2012

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 1 Aug 2012 13:37
To: Mouse 86 of 190
What does this mean?
From: Mouse 1 Aug 2012 17:04
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 87 of 190
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 1 Aug 2012 17:21
To: Mouse 88 of 190
The 8+1 or the 5+4?
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 1 Aug 2012 18:29
To: Manthorp 89 of 190

Hmm. I suppose my laptop would work, although I don't know what the mic quality is like.


I have been kind of agonising over whether or not we could afford to come up but looking at it again I think we'll be able to manage. Me and Keeley can be put down as 'soft definites' (mj).

From: william (WILLIAMA) 1 Aug 2012 18:33
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 90 of 190
Of course you can afford it - Dad'll pay.
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 1 Aug 2012 18:56
To: ALL91 of 190

Manthrob - I'm naturally odd, acting up is not required.


Mini Manthrob - Soft is not in your vocab.

From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 1 Aug 2012 19:00
To: Manthorp 92 of 190
Oh, well apparently I'm buying tickets now! Will you have a bed/bean bag/kitchen floor/bath available for the weekend (mainly Friday/Saturday night)?
From: Mouse 1 Aug 2012 21:38
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 93 of 190
Ahnunno.. Are you coming to the Meat Ken?
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 1 Aug 2012 21:41
To: Mouse 94 of 190
No  :'-(

I want to.
From: Manthorp 1 Aug 2012 23:19
To: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 95 of 190
Yes, no probs. May have to improvise a bit, but we'll be fine.
From: Manthorp 3 Aug 2012 10:30
To: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 96 of 190
Sorry Dan, strike Ann out of the running. No bad news, she's just holidaying in France & I had the dates wrong.
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 3 Aug 2012 18:09
To: ALL97 of 190

Throbby: Struck.


All: 2 weeks and a day, anyone else confirming or making me cry?

From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR) 3 Aug 2012 20:44
To: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 98 of 190

We're no longer soft, if that helps.


(Too easy, John)



EDITED: 3 Aug 2012 20:44 by OZGUR
From: koswix 3 Aug 2012 20:48
To: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 99 of 190
Still 70 quid for a ticket :(
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 3 Aug 2012 23:18
To: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER) 100 of 190
We're very much hoping to come. May drive up and find hotel
From: Manthorp 4 Aug 2012 10:28
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 101 of 190
There's always the dog basket.
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)11 Aug 2012 16:32
To: ALL102 of 190



We shall be playing "What colour is Psycho Geezer's t-shirt?".

From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)11 Aug 2012 16:33
To: Monsoir (PILOTDAN) 103 of 190
Is Jane coming?
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)11 Aug 2012 16:33
To: koswix 104 of 190
Have you got a job yet lazy?
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)11 Aug 2012 16:33
To: Matt 105 of 190
Are you coming?