Corporate ick

From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 3 Apr 2012 15:46
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 12 of 12
I used to work at Broomfield Hospital in IT support.

It was mostly dull, but it was interesting to see how taxes were spent. I remember two Doctors who hated each other trying to out-do each other on the "who's got the best PC" stakes. They must've spent £10K per year each on new systems and gear.

Around about the same price as a baby incubator or two IIRC. I remember mentioning this and was told that it was OK as it came from a different budget than the baby incubator budget. :-S

This was before standards of IT equipment were set. Upon recent visits (new baby and all that) it looks like they've gone the citrixy thin client route. I could tell, because they were all complaining about how bloody slow their machines were.