Corporate ick

From: patch16 Mar 2012 13:49
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 10 of 12
I'll be working as a Network Engineer for Connecting For Health, the agency that's in charge of the national NHS IT program. Yes, the one that's already well overdue and over budget. On the plus side, though, I'll be near the beach this summer.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)16 Mar 2012 21:29
To: patch 11 of 12
And, unfortunately, the NHS records system won't have that information either.
From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 3 Apr 2012 15:46
To: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ) 12 of 12
I used to work at Broomfield Hospital in IT support.

It was mostly dull, but it was interesting to see how taxes were spent. I remember two Doctors who hated each other trying to out-do each other on the "who's got the best PC" stakes. They must've spent £10K per year each on new systems and gear.

Around about the same price as a baby incubator or two IIRC. I remember mentioning this and was told that it was OK as it came from a different budget than the baby incubator budget. :-S

This was before standards of IT equipment were set. Upon recent visits (new baby and all that) it looks like they've gone the citrixy thin client route. I could tell, because they were all complaining about how bloody slow their machines were.