!Google Ads Fail

From: milko 9 Mar 2012 16:25
To: milko 6 of 12
Sorry, I mean /OLD/ :@
From: koswix 9 Mar 2012 16:28
To: milko 7 of 12
Have they? I think today is the first time I've ever seen it, possibly to do with uninstalling ad block earlier becase it was crashing FireFox.
From: milko 9 Mar 2012 16:47
To: koswix 8 of 12
Here you go, some evidence. From 2008 Kos! 2008! http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2008/02/del-eat-your-spam.html
From: koswix 9 Mar 2012 16:54
To: milko 9 of 12
Well if you like it so much why don't you go live there.
From: milko 9 Mar 2012 17:03
To: koswix 10 of 12
I would too. I was younger, with more hair.
From: koswix 9 Mar 2012 17:11
To: milko 11 of 12
Guess its always been, you know, out of reach.
From: milko 9 Mar 2012 17:18
To: koswix 12 of 12
Another blast from the past! (pyfitg)