Mouth Hurtiness

From: koswix28 Feb 2012 15:35
To: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 6 of 13



I could eat my way through a tube of that. Sooo tasty.

From: af (CAER)28 Feb 2012 15:38
To: koswix 7 of 13
Bojella is lovely, aye, but doesn't last long enough :(
From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ)28 Feb 2012 15:43
To: koswix 8 of 13
Bonjella's on my shopping list for this evening after work, although I may end up smearing it on my toast. Om nom nom.
From: ANT_THOMAS28 Feb 2012 16:01
To: koswix 9 of 13
From: koswix28 Feb 2012 16:03
To: ANT_THOMAS 10 of 13
I hate sambuca, but love bonjella :|
From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)28 Feb 2012 16:12
To: koswix 11 of 13

When I was in Canadia, I had a mouth ulther, and tried to get some kind of Canuckian equivalent to Bonjella at the local drugstore.


I ended up with something which was basically tasty tasty benzocaine, a fact I only discovered when the numbness started as soon as I applied it.

From: PNCOOL29 Feb 2012 16:33
To: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 12 of 13
a good old fashioned salty mouth wash

From: Queeg 500 (JESUSONEEZ) 1 Mar 2012 14:11
To: PNCOOL 13 of 13
I didn't say that...couldn't have done. :-O