Backup Exec

From: Dan (HERMAND) 4 Feb 2012 19:12
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 18 of 29
P.S, regarding my post above I assumed your servers don't have something like HP's iLO, or Dell's DRAC?
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 4 Feb 2012 21:33
To: Dan (HERMAND) 19 of 29
They do but I rarely use them.

You would think there would be an easy way to do it. I would have thought a GPO would do it, and it still might, but that's still a cludgy way to take care of it.
From: Dan (HERMAND) 4 Feb 2012 21:43
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 20 of 29

Problem is, it kind of makes no sense. Try and "define" what you mean - do you mean that the computer shouldn't provide any services - what about websites, etc? Do you mean non-admins shouldn't log on at the console? Remotely? Do you mean file shares should be inadmissible?


I don't see how it'd be feasible for MS to provide a switch to do what you need as it's so dependent on individual use cases.

From: patch 4 Feb 2012 21:54
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 21 of 29

Access list on the Cisco switch it's attached to. Easy.


What do you mean it's not a Cisco switch?

From: Dan (HERMAND) 4 Feb 2012 21:57
To: patch 22 of 29

I'd strangle anyone making substantial network changes for such a temporary thing. I realise he doesn't have to commit them, but still.


Besides, he's probably going to be accessing it from the same IP range as his users if he's VPNing in.

From: patch 4 Feb 2012 21:58
To: Dan (HERMAND) 23 of 29
That's what named access lists are for. And besides, it's his network. He'd only have himself to shout at.
From: Dan (HERMAND) 4 Feb 2012 22:00
To: patch 24 of 29
Fair point, I just see network technology as something to fit and forget, save changing VLANs on ports etc.
From: patch 4 Feb 2012 22:01
To: Dan (HERMAND) 25 of 29
I don't, but then I rely on it to pay my rent, so changes tend to be fine by me. Up to a point. That point being where I can't figure out how to fix what I broke.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 4 Feb 2012 22:03
To: Dan (HERMAND) 26 of 29
I mean when I am installing updates or increasing drive sizes or things of that nature I'd not like people on the server. It's a terminal server. The others don't get logged on other than by me.

I'd like to block everything but printing really until I'm done working on it, but I suppose shares would be ok. The problem with that is if someone has a doc or spreadsheet open and I reboot the server they will panic and close it and lose their work.

There should be a maintenance mode like there is in Esxi.
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 4 Feb 2012 22:03
To: patch 27 of 29
Nope not a Cisco switch, just a Cisco router.
From: Dan (HERMAND) 5 Feb 2012 11:38
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 28 of 29

Terminal Server, why didn't you say? What OS is it?


Does that point you in the right direction?

From: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 5 Feb 2012 16:24
To: Dan (HERMAND) 29 of 29
No idea why I didn't mention that. And that looks perfect!