Cloning disks.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)31 Jan 2012 19:50
To: Matt 8 of 20
There's no system drives or boot sectors involved.

There's about 215GB of data in over 250,000 files.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)31 Jan 2012 22:47
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 9 of 20

I use the windows backup utility for this. It only copies the files (and you can select the ones to/not copy), so that right there might save a huge amount of time over a block copy*. Dunno how it might work with an OS though (I keep my apps on their own partition, and have done this sort of thing several times, it's fairly bulletproof IME). Size of the target partition is irrelevant, so long as it's big enough.


*er -- but it's a 2-step, backup+"restore" [to the new disk] process. Bonus: you have a backup copy!

EDITED: 31 Jan 2012 22:49 by DSMITHHFX
From: ANT_THOMAS31 Jan 2012 22:48
Wait a sec, you use Windows for something useful?
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX)31 Jan 2012 22:53
To: ANT_THOMAS 11 of 20

Depends on whether you consider computer games "useful"...


(actually, I do also use it for photoshop).

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1 Feb 2012 00:09
To: ANT_THOMAS 12 of 20
I was wondering why it was called DriveImageXML, so I went and found the website, hoping that there was some obscure acronym and they weren't just using a buzz word to appear cool.

But no, it's worse than that!
Images are stored in XML files, allowing you to process them with 3rd party tools.

Anyone who thinks...
1) XML is suitable for storing hard drive images;
2) that this should be the defining feature of a product;
3) and an explanation of this is not required in the FAQ; not someone that I want to trust with handling data. :/
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1 Feb 2012 00:12
To: Matt 13 of 20
Robocopy has a shitload of options.

Do I need to care what they all do, or does it have sensible defaults?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1 Feb 2012 00:15
You seem to be suggesting that I take a 200GB partition, back it up to some non-existent space, instead of simply copying it to the device I bought because I've got insufficient space. :|
From: ANT_THOMAS 1 Feb 2012 00:15
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 15 of 20
Have you even tried it?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1 Feb 2012 00:42
To: ANT_THOMAS 16 of 20
It's a GUI front-end for built-in functionality, and it's been created by idiot(s).

It might work, but I'm not seeing any compelling reasons to use it over either RoboCopy or Acronis True Image?
From: ANT_THOMAS 1 Feb 2012 00:48
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 17 of 20
The job could've been well on the way by now. It works, it's easy to use. Just use it.
From: CHYRON (DSMITHHFX) 1 Feb 2012 01:05
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 18 of 20
Well, I dunno. Why not just format the new partition(s) and copy the files across in the usual way then. Why the need to clone, exactly?
From: Matt 1 Feb 2012 12:11
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 19 of 20
For mirroring a volume, the basic syntax would be:

robocopy [source] [dest] /MIR

This will copy everything from [source] to [dest] while also deleting everything from [dest] that doesn't exist on [source].

If you omit the /MIR option it will copy files only and not delete anything from [dest].

If either the source or destination partitions are FAT32 or network shares (especially if they're Linux SAMBA shares) you will also need to add /FFT to the end of the command above otherwise every time you re-run robocopy it'll think the files on the source drive are newer and copy them again.

Other options that might be useful are /XD and /XF which ignore directories and files respectively. Depending on your user credentials, you might need these for ignoring the "System Volume Information" folder and "$Recycle.Bin".

So a full command might look like:

robocopy [source] [dest] /MIR /FFT /XD "System Volume Information" /XD "$RECYCLE.BIN"

All you really need to do is make sure you don't get [source] and [dest] the wrong way around :)
EDITED: 1 Feb 2012 12:13 by MATT
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 1 Feb 2012 19:48
To: Matt 20 of 20
Thanks, though I went and read up on it anyway.

I went with /E to copy the directories as well, and not risk deleting from dest (even though it was empty anyway, I was paranoid about getting the source/dest the wrong way round).

That /XD would have been useful - fortunately I found something that said use /R:10 to limit the number of retries, otherwise it would have been stuck on the System Volume Information forever, instead of just five minutes. :(

( Why on earth did they implement "default 1 million" combined with a default retry wait time of 30 seconds!? That would have meant nearly a whole year trying? :? )

Anyhow, everything all swapped around now. :)

Fortunately the disk I wanted to change was in the [relatively] easy access compartment, instead of requiring me to take the whole case off like the other one apparently would require.

Now to re-organise various files I had shunted around back to their logical homes...