O2 Mobile for Business

From: Kenny J (WINGNUTKJ)16 Jan 2012 20:10
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 5 of 21
The company I work for (approx 40-50 staff) uses O2. I've no idea of what the details of the contract we're on are, but I believe we get free calls between the company mobiles, unlimited text, hefty data, and all that, but we're not allowed to tether our laptops to the phone for internet. Or that might have been on our old Vodaphone contract. Dunno. We got a good enough deal to move from Vodaphone, so yay.
From: Mouse16 Jan 2012 20:13
To: ANT_THOMAS 6 of 21
Exactly, O2 is pretty good round here but not great (which I found out after buying a T mobile sim too who are better) Was that BBC 3G survey any good? I remember the app being shat. Ask people local to you Wattsy!
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Jan 2012 20:38
To: Mouse 7 of 21
Local isn't important really as all the engineers and sales force are based all over the UK and Europe. I have written a questionnaire on sharepoint and will be issuing it tomorrow. Just gauging the collective impression of teh on their O2 dealings.
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Jan 2012 20:49
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 8 of 21
I guess business and <whatever the other bit is called..public?> run differently in terms of customer service. But in terms of signal and speed I don't like them.
From: ANT_THOMAS16 Jan 2012 20:49
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 9 of 21
But as ever with these things. Everyone hates a certain operator or prefers another for whatever reason.
From: Mouse16 Jan 2012 20:52
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 10 of 21
Aha, that sounds quite exciting. On that scale I'm not sure what I can add from a very small business end. Asking the people who are going to be actually using the phones seems like a very sensible way forward. And let them chose not just Blackberry too. :D
From: 777 (ALMOR)16 Jan 2012 21:37
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 11 of 21

I use O2, but only for four phones.
Can't fault them at all for service, their range of phones is very poor though.


I love telling these random phone company's that ring up what we pay and they can't get anywhere near it.
Apart from some dick head from 3 who though we should pay more to go with them when we can't get a signal in the office just because 3 is somehow better?
Why would I want a phone that doesn't work in the office?
If he could guarantee shit signal in any pub he'd have a sale.

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Jan 2012 22:53
To: Mouse 12 of 21
BlackBerry is what we have invested in software wise ovee the next coupled years only the big boss men get fancy gear like ipads cause they really really need them.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)16 Jan 2012 22:55
To: 777 (ALMOR) 13 of 21
3 have not even bothered to put in a bid, thank science!
From: Ken (SHIELDSIT)17 Jan 2012 01:28
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 14 of 21
Is there even a need to pay for their software any more? I use the free Enterprise server they make (I only have a handful of BB phones) and it works fine.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)17 Jan 2012 22:12
To: Ken (SHIELDSIT) 15 of 21
If you want enterprise level access (file sharing, intranet access, advanced policy enforcing etc.) then yes, you need the full BES and a full BES account on mobiles.
From: pbm18 Jan 2012 22:46
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 16 of 21

i moved from o2 to t-mobile for business and have had a lot better service, from the network and customer service.


if you want a referal let me know, might be able to get you a month free

From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)20 Jan 2012 14:34
To: pbm 17 of 21
We had Orange / T-mobile in yesterday, looks ok but I am very wary of the Orange / T-mobile fellowship and the cross over of networks.
From: milko20 Jan 2012 17:11
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 18 of 21
wary how? Surely it means they have great coverage? All's I know is my Orange phone never seems to run out of reception. Even when my work Vodafone was getting nowhere.
From: Mouse20 Jan 2012 19:29
To: milko 19 of 21
Yup mine too. T Mobile shits all over O2 round these parts for reception. /Shits/.
From: ANT_THOMAS20 Jan 2012 19:34
To: Mouse 20 of 21

Three are better than O2 round here and that's saying something. They'll probably be shit if I go into the sticks, and I was in Sheffield the other month and in a residential area I had no three signal at all inside which was a surprise. But Yorkshire is backwards with these things anyway.


Also, I'd agree that T-Mobile are generally great for signal and speed.

From: Mouse20 Jan 2012 19:47
To: ANT_THOMAS 21 of 21
Don't disrespect Gods Country you dirty Lancs sod.