Regular Netgear DG834G drop-outs

From: Ixion30 Dec 2011 19:31
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 2 of 5
Sounds like a fault somewhere on the line, have they got any unfiltered telephone extensions/tried removing the bell wire from the master socket/ tried different filters, if all that fails I would try rining their ISP and ask them to do a line check.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)30 Dec 2011 19:49
To: Ixion 3 of 5
Thanks, will check those things out.

(I think there's an extension, but no idea if filtered or not.)

My mum has just mentioned that BT are doing things to improve broadband in this area, so might be related to that.
From: Ixion31 Dec 2011 17:16
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 4 of 5
Sounds likely to me, they usually mess something up when they tinker.
From: PNCOOL 3 Jan 2012 12:54
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 5 of 5
When it has a spat, if they try clearing the NAT table for it, does it start working again? I had one of those (although I think it was the GT) that would fill it's NAT table and then fall over. Touch wood, my other identical model is still running fine.