Teh Forum London Xmas Meat - 2011

From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)20 Nov 2011 20:00
To: PNCOOL 36 of 200
Best. Plan. EVER!
From: ComtronBob20 Nov 2011 20:23
To: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX) 37 of 200

"...we should meat for a pizza..."


You might want to *meet* for pizza.  "Meat" for pizza is something entirely different, and sounds a bit unsavory if you ask me. :Y

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Nov 2011 20:25
To: ComtronBob 38 of 200
So long as everyone involved washes appropriately beforehand, it's not in the slightest bit *unsavoury*.

Unless Greg comes.
From: Mouse20 Nov 2011 20:29
To: ComtronBob 39 of 200
Teh Forum, 'Meats' are regularly organised for members to generally imbibe too much alcohol, jump off bridges, through trees and off kerbs occasionally causing broken limbs. Teh Forum Meats are synonymous with such silliness and are referred to as such for reasons I'm not sure of.
From: 99% of gargoyles look like (MR_BASTARD)20 Nov 2011 20:50
To: Mouse 40 of 200
It's because they're frequented by a bunch of meatheads.
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)20 Nov 2011 21:06
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 41 of 200
Normally meat at 13:00, or pizza o'clock.
From: ComtronBob20 Nov 2011 21:17
To: Mouse 42 of 200

"Teh Forum Meats are synonymous with such silliness and are referred to as such for reasons I'm not sure of".


As we sometimes say on this end of the pond "sounds brown!"

From: graphitone20 Nov 2011 21:34
To: ComtronBob 43 of 200

This is that most subtle of British things - the conceit.


No real meat is actually present*, unless Peter orders some on his pizza (possibly) or brings a ham sandwich with him.


*(never been to a meat, so take this with a pinch of salt)**


**(I have no idea is any salt makes it's way to the meats. Maybe if some of them are cured, then you'd probably find a bit)

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Nov 2011 21:42
To: graphitone 44 of 200
I don't eat ham sandwiches. :@
From: ComtronBob20 Nov 2011 21:44
To: graphitone 45 of 200

"...so take this with a pinch of salt".


So you're saying they're not as salty a bunch as they initially appear? :P

From: graphitone20 Nov 2011 21:47
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 46 of 200

I don't any more either. :C


In fact I can't remember the last time I had ANY sandwich.


I prefer salads/pasta mixes nowadays. :|

From: graphitone20 Nov 2011 21:48
To: ComtronBob 47 of 200

I have never personally licked any forum member.


You'll have to ascertain individual salinty on a person by person basis.

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Nov 2011 21:59
To: graphitone 48 of 200
Come down to London on the 17th and you can lick me.
From: graphitone20 Nov 2011 22:40
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 49 of 200





you can lick me

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)20 Nov 2011 22:57
To: graphitone 50 of 200
Well, being a first date, I'd have to limit you to exterior skin surfaces only, excluding ears.
From: ComtronBob20 Nov 2011 23:52
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 51 of 200

"...it's not in the slightest bit *unsavoury*".

It's just like with "color".  With the exception of "hour", you guys always get it wrong. :P

I came across this "proposal".  Maybe it will help resolve future differences:

A proposal for simplifying the spelling of English and its associated idiosyncrasies.

A large amount of typing errors are caused by 3 reasons:

1. Carelessness
2. Spelling differences across countries (e.g. color/colour)
3. Nonnative English speakers trying to cope with illogical spelling rules

I now strongly suggest we should try to simplify the language.  To try and do this in one attempt could be disastrous, so I think we should phase it in over a 5 year period.  My suggestions are as follows, and I hope you will agree.

In the first year, "s" will be used instead of the soft "c".  Sertainly, sivil servants will reseive this news with joy.  Also, the hard "c" will be replased with "k".  Not only will this klear up konfusion, but keyboards kan have one less letter.

There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year, when the troublesome "ph" will be replased by "f".  This will make words like "fotograf" 20 per sent shorter.

In the third year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expekted to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.  We will enkourage the removal of double letters, which have always been a deterent to akurate speling.

Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of silent "e"s in the languag is disgraful, and they would go.

By the forth year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing "th" by "z" and "w" by "v".

During ze fifz year ze unesesary "o" kan be dropd from vords kontaining "ou", so Soup will then be known as Sup and similar changes vud of kors be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.

After zis fifz year, ve vil hav a reli sensibl riten styl.  Zer vil be no mor trobls or difikultis and evrivum vil find it ezi tu understand ech ozer.  Ze drem vil finali kum tru.

From: patch21 Nov 2011 00:28
To: ComtronBob 52 of 200
Jesus. I saw that when it was going round by fax.
From: ComtronBob21 Nov 2011 01:07
To: patch 53 of 200

"Jesus. I saw that when it was going round by fax".


I have no idea of when/where it originated.  Someone emailed it to me a few years back.  It may certainly be way older than that.  Regardless, it came to mind, so here it is. :/

From: patch21 Nov 2011 09:17
To: ComtronBob 54 of 200
Just a little hint, here: because of the way the BBC is funded Beehive is written, you don't need to quote everything when you reply to people
EDITED: 21 Nov 2011 09:17 by PATCH
From: Monsoir (PILOTDAN)21 Nov 2011 09:31
To: patch 55 of 200
Don't go there, Patch :D