Teh Forum London Xmas Meat - 2011

From: Mouse17 Dec 2011 03:00
To: ALL162 of 200
Jesus Christmas. These Southern Meats are such drama.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Dec 2011 03:37
To: PNCOOL 163 of 200
Lazy bugger! :@

I went and looked up various combinations and, according to TFL+Google Maps, the simplest and fastest for me means getting off at Oxford Street.

Victoria->Warren = 43 minutes (31 tfl + 12 walk)
Victoria->Oxford->TCR = 41 minutes (35 tfl + 6 walk)
Victoria->Warren->Goodge = 40 minutes (38 tfl + 2 walk)
Clapham->Waterloo->Goodge = 39 minutes (37 tfl + 2 walk)
Victoria->Oxford = 39 minutes (29 tfl + 10 walk)
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Dec 2011 03:38
To: Mouse 164 of 200
You're just upset because you don't have such a great variety of transport choices up there.

I seem to remember far more drama from you and your fellow countryfolk with the supposed "northern invasion" a few years back. :P
From: Some call me... (PSYCHO_GEEZER)17 Dec 2011 05:42
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 165 of 200
I invaded!
From: Wattsy (SLAYERPUNX)17 Dec 2011 10:27
To: PNCOOL 166 of 200
I just want to tell you both good luck. We're all counting on you.
From: Mouse17 Dec 2011 10:27
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 167 of 200
Yes, I I blamed the lack of public transport options
From: patch17 Dec 2011 10:36
To: Mouse 168 of 200
More drama, less broken bones.
From: Serg (NUKKLEAR)17 Dec 2011 11:00
To: ALL169 of 200
I should be attending, although it might be a fleeting attendance :( we'll see, depends on how I feel. Roar!
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Dec 2011 11:08
To: Voltane 170 of 200
Don't suppose you've got any spare hard drives? :/
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Dec 2011 12:37
To: ALL171 of 200
So... currently seems Milko would rather be with other people, and Serg is possibly going to start vomiting everywhere.

Which means that it'd be two non-drinkers sitting in a pub for 2-3 hours, before finding out if a big fun fare at Hyde park is considered more exciting. :/

So now I'm thinking that the train fair alone could buy me 12 litres of Coke, and maybe I should stay in and get some work done instead. :S
From: Voltane17 Dec 2011 12:48
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 172 of 200

I have no spare hard drives.


And it would be a bit of a shame to cancel another meat (northerners can't say anything as they didn't even try).


I'm in london anyway so just post here what your plan is and I'm bound to see it.

From: Voltane17 Dec 2011 12:50
To: PNCOOL 173 of 200
If you're still coming (nj) then I'm sure pb and I can spend some quality time together (mj).
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Dec 2011 12:57
To: Voltane 174 of 200
I'm currently undecided, but hungry, so I'm going to eat something now. Maybe turn up for 2pm or 3pm instead... will post again once I've made up my mind.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Dec 2011 14:23
To: Voltane 175 of 200
Sorry, I'm feeling too agoraphobic now, so going to bail. :(
From: Voltane17 Dec 2011 15:11
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 176 of 200

As you can see I'm wearing the same hat as the first Christmas meat, which I believe was 10 years ago.


I'm going to wait here for a while but unless anyone can give me a definite time on when they will get here i'll probably be gone by 3.



From: PNCOOL17 Dec 2011 15:49
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 177 of 200

Looks like we won't be jumping on a train then. We'd decided against Winter Wonderland in the end, as we were shattered this morning. We were just going to come straight to the pub instead.


Ah well, another crap attempt at getting southerners together in a pub in London. You're all shit (apart from Gary).

From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Dec 2011 15:56
To: PNCOOL 178 of 200
This wouldn't have happened if EP was organising things. :{)
From: PNCOOL17 Dec 2011 16:18
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 179 of 200
Where is he these days anyway?
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)17 Dec 2011 16:31
To: PNCOOL 180 of 200

I occasionally see him on Facebook laughing at Kos's bad jokes.

For the spring I think we really need to hire a minibus and do some kidnapping.
From: Oscarvarium (OZGUR)17 Dec 2011 17:02
To: ALL181 of 200
Clearly you all need to come up to York. I maintain that it's the shitiness of London that puts people off. :Y