
From: MrTrent13 Nov 2011 20:36
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 89 of 773
Thanks for that. Now if you could be so kind as to find out where it saves the resulting screenshots, i'll be ready to go.
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)13 Nov 2011 20:41
To: MrTrent 90 of 773

It's almost certainly in your user folder.


C:\User\MrTrent\Skyrim\Screenshots or C:\User\MrTrent\AppData\Roaming\Valve\Steam\Screenshots or something


You can go find the actual location yourself though.

EDITED: 13 Nov 2011 20:42 by BOUGHTONP
From: MrTrent13 Nov 2011 20:45
To: Peter (BOUGHTONP) 91 of 773

This is Marcus, the gayest orc in Skyrim.
EDIT: You may notice i named the files the wrong way round. If you do notice, you don't need to point it out 'cos i already know.

EDITED: 13 Nov 2011 20:46 by MRTRENT
From: Peter (BOUGHTONP)13 Nov 2011 20:55
To: MrTrent 92 of 773
I didn't notice, so you wasted your time writing all that stuff.

He does look particularly bad. And not really 3D either. :/

Also: two belts??
From: patch13 Nov 2011 21:34
To: Manthorp 93 of 773

Heh. Same here, and I picked a similar spot to take a screenshot from. And then you beat me to posting it.


In fact, I'm going to post it anyway. Let me find something to reduce the 5MB screenshot to something a bit more polite.

From: patch13 Nov 2011 21:41
To: patch 94 of 773
Here's Asdf, the sneaky, sniping Wood Elf, at around Level 15 or something like that, staring enigmatically at nothing in particular.

However, I won't be entering that city just yet, as I'm feeling the need to clean up a town that's having corruption issues. Or, at least, I'm going to join the Thieves Guild and see what happens.
From: Manthorp13 Nov 2011 21:56
To: patch 95 of 773
Very nice!
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)14 Nov 2011 01:34
To: Manthorp 96 of 773
I've visited all but two of the main cities now (the fact that I've still got 2 to go after what must be 20-30 hours gameplay is amazing when all I've been doing so far is intentionally trekking to the cities to see what they're like (though I have of course been getting distracted along the way)) and they're all distinctly different. Each has its own architecture and character and mood. Just like in Morrowind ^___^

They've really recaptured that sense of mystery and weirdness that Oblivion lost. And they've combined that with that graphical wonder that Oblivion had, that sense of awe when you breach a hilltop and see the view beyond.

Now spoilers. This first one isn't very spoilery, I just express delight about the manner in which one gets inducted into one of the factions:

The way you get inducted into the Dark Brotherhood is... wow :|

This one is a bit spoilery concerning the above (I describe it in full and outline my dilema):

Ok so after you kill the nasty orphanage lady for the kid, the next time you sleep you wake up in an abandoned shack and a lady called Astrid is there. She tells you that you stole a kill from the DB and must make amends. There are three prisoners in the shack with you, all on their knees, wrists bound behind their backs and sacks over their heads. You have to question them and choose which one to kill.

Ok, so, one of them is clearly nasty, one is kinda neutral and the other one is basically innocent. I could kill the nasty one without too many qualms but... I don't like the Dark Brotherhood. I mean, I enjoyed their quests in Oblivion but ... they are horrible. I loved the Morag Tong in Morrowind and in my mind the Dark Brotherhood are still my mortal enemies.

But! I could kill Astrid. And then the quest changes from 'join the dark brotherhood' (or whatever) to 'destroy the dark brotherhood. So Ok, that's more up my street. BUT... it's an extremely tough fight (I cheated to test whether it's possible before wasting what will inevitably be hours actually doing it). I'm not even sure it's possible with my character. And... even though I detest the DB, their quests do tend to be good. Will I be missing out if I don't do them? Ok so I'm now going to go spend several hours seeing if I can kill this lady.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)14 Nov 2011 02:41
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 97 of 773
Man, did it. Used a few scrolls I'd picked up somewhere to weaken/distract her. Still a tough fight.
From: patch14 Nov 2011 10:17
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 98 of 773
I got to that point and had a chat with all three prisoners. Then I fired an arrow at Wotsername's head, missing her by millimetres. She didn't even flinch, which I thought was extremely self-confident, so I did it again and stuck one in her face. She didn't take that well, and as I was only experimenting to see if I could kill her, I reloaded and topped one of the prisoners.

I'm going to have to make another character at some point just to change the decisions I've already made with this one.
From: af (CAER)14 Nov 2011 10:22
To: ALL99 of 773
Gah I hardly got a chance to play it over the weekend :(

But I decided to go a different route this time and made a big muscly orc. I currently favour the two-handed warhammer :Y

I also need to turn the settings down next time I play as for some reason the test it did on my graphical capabilities resulted in everything being put on max, which gives about 3fps. Which settings have the biggest impact on framerate? I'm probably getting about 20 or so now with most things still near max, and I want to make things look as pretty as possible.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)14 Nov 2011 10:25
To: patch 100 of 773
That's kinda cool because we can compare notes and see whether I've missed out on some awesome stuff.

I did wonder whether... those three prisoners are kinda clearly good/neutral/evil. I wonder if the quests you get change based on which one you kill? I mean I enjoyed the DB quests in Oblivion but I didn't like the ones where you have to kill innocents. So maybe they use this as a filter? Probably not, it's probably just to fuck with you.

On an unrelated note. Not really a spoiler this, just fun dragon fun:

I saw a dragon (I've only killed 2 so far) so I thought I'd have a pop. I noticed a giant/mammoth camp nearby so I lured the dragon there so that the giants and mammoth would help me.

That worked well and we brought the dragon down, one giant got killed. Then I was hopping over to loot the dragon corpse and the fucking mammoth and remaining giant went hostile on me. So I legged it but they're fast and it wasn't going well. Then I stumbled upon a hut and thought I was saved. But a mage pops up and starts firing ice spikes at my ass. I ignore him and dodge into the hut with about 1 pixel of health remaining. Then this happens:


So I finish him off then go see what happened to the mammoth and wizard. Seems the mammoth finished the wizard off and is running away because he's badly hurt. Fuck that, you attacked me you asshole. So I shot him.

It was all rather exciting.
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)14 Nov 2011 10:27
To: af (CAER) 101 of 773
Which settings have the biggest impact on framerate?

Shadows. Try turning shadows off and leave everything else as it is. Then slowly bring shadows up until you hit the sweet spot.
From: af (CAER)14 Nov 2011 10:28
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 102 of 773
Jolly good, chairs.
From: patch14 Nov 2011 10:29
To: patch 103 of 773
Oh, and I seem to have gotten married.
From: patch14 Nov 2011 10:40
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 104 of 773
I've got a photo of me in a temple in Thailand doing exactly the same thing at an archway.

I found one dragon curled round some ruins (looked very atmospheric in the depths of a snowstorm. I had to look twice before I realised what it was) at the top of a mountain, just next to one of the walls that gives you a new Shout. My companion and I took the dragon out relatively easily, though poor old Lydia did take a bit of a battering.

So I wandered over to the wall, thinking it was all over, when a named thing jumped out of a coffin nearby and started slinging explosions at us that nearly killed me several times over, all the while laughing at the pathetic amount of damage I was doing. That's when I ran away, and didn't stop running until I'd fallen to the bottom of the mountain.

Unfortunately, Lydia didn't make it. I went back to the site much later, after wondering how long it would take her to catch me up, and found her body slumped against the Shout wall. I felt really guilty while I looted her corpse and got all the good weapons back that I'd given her. Then the bastard named thing appeared again and I ran and ran and ran.
From: af (CAER)14 Nov 2011 10:44
To: ALL105 of 773
Man I need to play this now. All these spoilers are so tempting :$
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)14 Nov 2011 10:58
To: patch 106 of 773

//// (hug) ////

I left Lydia in my house where she's safe.
From: DrBoff (BOFF)14 Nov 2011 11:01
To: Drew (X3N0PH0N) 107 of 773
This is making me want a new computer :(
From: Drew (X3N0PH0N)14 Nov 2011 11:10
To: DrBoff (BOFF) 108 of 773
Get one, it's worth it :Y